What can be done to lower the risk of death during labor for women in Afghanistan?

BBC News, Badakshan, northern Afghanistan
When the heavily pregnant woman had complications during labour, the villagers of Shattak faced a problem. The nearest hospital was 60km (37miles) away and they had no car.
"We got a ladder," says Abdul-Majid, the head of the village's health shura (council) recalling the incident over four years ago.
The villagers then laid the woman on the ladder and 20 men took turns to carry the make-shift stretcher along a rutted, windy track that rarely sees vehicles. The pace was agonisingly slow.
"We didn't make it to the hospital," says Mr Abdul-Majid. "The mother died on the way."
In valleys and villages across Badakshan, a province located in the Hindu Kush mountain range, such stories are common.
FACTS ON MATERNAL MORTALITY Every 28 minutes a woman dies in Afghanistan during childbirth 54 percent of Afghan children are born stunted The Afghan fertility rate is second highest in the world at 7.5 children per woman Source: UN Development Programme Afghanistan |
Maternal mortality, when a woman dies during or shortly after pregnancy, is believed to be the highest in the world here.
According to statistics published by the UN in 2002, the province had the highest rate of mortal maternity ever recorded.
For almost 16 babies born, one woman will die in labour. As a country, Afghanistan is ranked second in the world for maternal mortality rates after Sierra Leone.
But health professionals in the province are optimistic that a new project is reducing the numbers of deaths.
Run by the Aga Khan Health Services, a midwife trainee programme selects bright young women from districts across the province.
The students take an 18 month course in the provincial capital, Fayzabad, before returning to their villages as trained midwives.
About 50 women have graduated from the programme since it started in 2005.
Maternal mortality is traditionally high in Badakshan for a number of reasons. The difficulty of travelling large distances to health facilities means the vast majority of births are at home.
In the past, even if a pregnant woman experiencing complications did reach the few hospitals or clinics in the province, the facilities were almost always under-equipped.
"When I first started there was just one bed for expectant mothers in the entire hospital," says Dr Bahrastan, a female doctor, who has worked in Fayzabad's main hospital for 14 years.
There was also a problem of staffing. All the doctors and midwives, apart from a handful of exceptions, were male.
'Health education'
In Afghanistan, where the separation of the sexes is strictly enforced, this often had devastating consequences.
"Women in the past have died rather than see a male doctor," says Dr Bahrastan.
The midwife-training programme tackles all these problems head-on, providing female health professionals for expectant mothers.
Dostorgall is one of about 25 students enrolled in the current programme. Her village is located in an area called the Wakhan corridor, a five-day journey from the provincial capital.
"When I graduate the first thing I'll do is provide health education for women," she says, at the programme's training centre.
"I'll tell them they should consider family planning and if they have any complications during their pregnancy they should get help immediately."
One of the villages to benefit dramatically from this initiative is Shattak.
At the village, pregnant women totter across the lunar landscape on donkeys making their way to its new single-storey health clinic.
They are coming to see Ferangee Sultani, a recent graduate of the midwife programme.
Ms Sultani says that she's delivered over 60 healthy babies in her time here without any maternal deaths.
Mr Abdul-Majid is happy too. He says that mothers are healthier than they have ever been before, thanks to the clinic and its midwife.
The only problem now, he says, "is that the clinic doesn't have enough medicine to give the patients."
Kate Thibodeau
Pd. 4
"What can be done to lower the risk of death during labor for women in Afghanistan?"
Well to start off, if the mother is expecting sooner then two days, bring her to a hospital so that if there are complications, they can be helped imedietly.
Secondly, they shoud better stock the hospitals with beds and rooms and supplies. A hospital is a place for people to get better. Not to die trying to get there and definetly not dying while being taken care of.
Thomas tomko
3rd period
First of all we need to get the pregnant women to the hospitals al least a few days in advance so they are already there when they go into labor instead of racing against the clock. Pregnant women are not yo-yos you can't just go back and forth between the hospital and home. They can't afford it anyway.
There are a few solutions to this :
1.Train a few villagers to help women through child birth. ( you only need a few basic tools to do this like a knife to cut the umbilical cord)
2.build hospitals closer to the villages. this way the women don't die on the way to the hospital
3.Also build a type of rudimentary carriage for the women to ride because i doubt they can ride on a horse or donkey and be conformable.
Comfort is an essential when in labor.
Rebecca Johnson
Pd. 5 (the best)
I agree with the others, they need to build hospitals closer to villages so that the pregger women can deliver their child saftely, and not have to worry about birth defects and death. Train MORE women to be DOCTORS and not just Midwifes. Getting the women to the hospital a few days in advance is probably the best idea; making a women ride to a hospital on a donkey is the dumbest thing ever. Get better supplies. I know the U.S has helped out with many things, this should be one of them. It might be costly, but saving a womens child is worth it.
justin preston
3rd period
First of all mit sound to me that there are not enough hospitals in Afghanistan to take care of the expecting mother or they would not have to drive that far to get to one. So we could start by making more hospitals for them so the distance wont be that long. Second we need to train more people to be able to deliver babies so they wont have to go to a hospital.That is what I think we should do to help save mothers lives.
Tekeya lathan
1st period
i think wat should be done to help mothers not die in giving birth is that they should have more beds in the hospital and have mothers that's far away stay there until the mother is ready to give birth,it doesnt matter if the doctor is male they should still be able to help the mothers in birth.
Shanise Green
Period 1
This is very sad and actions need to be taken.They need to build more hospitals and find more medications.More doctors are needed. I think we should send some of our medications and nurses over there to help them.
Vicmariel Colon
PD. 6
I think that the Midwives Program that they've created is absolutely a GREAT idea! And according to the article, an obvious SUCCESS! :-D
hehehehehehe ;-)
But on a more serious note... I think that educating the women about child birth and labor should be the number one priority for an expecting mother. Periodic checks with a doctor or OBGYN is recommended to ensure a safe birth and healthy baby.
But the problem in Afghanistan is that they don't have the proper facilities and equipment to allow for a safe child birth... and if they do so happen to have the required equipment and proper facilities, they either don't have enough of that equipment OR the facilities are far from reach! A way that we can fix that problem is that the government can probably provide money to the current health clinics to buy new equipment and medication... or they can provide money to build new facilities in more rural areas. :-)
PD. 2
That's what I meant to say!
Vicky C.
Jonathan Alvarado
Perod 3
I think that these pregnant women should stay near the hospital or the hospitals should make rooms where they can stay so they won't be running and under stress when they have the baby. There will also be probably less birth defects if this is done.
BRitney PadiLLa
4th period
BRitney PadiLLa
4th period
Garrett Brough Period 2
Now if I were a girl in Afganistan I would go to a Doctor rather than die. Right now I want the Afgani mothers to die to keep the kids from becoming terrorists. Though not to sound racist, if they become our friends, then no I won't want the Afgani mothers to die.
Nick Redmond
Period 6th
Well I think very little can be done. Since all they need it a EMT. Witch is a van that comes and picks you up. They do cast money but the government should pay for it. Then the ladies will get to the hospital safely and can give birth. They could also have treatment so then they can live. And it is a lot safe than walking 37 miles.
Michelle Burke
I think that their needs to be more hopitals for theseladies that are having their babies in more areas.And these ladies need to let the men diliver their babies.Also the women need to get dilivered to the hospital earlier and much faster than how they are now.but then again their is not much they can do with little money and it seems like these women have little help, and a poor govener
Jazmyn Streams
Women should not die due to labor. For every pregnant woman who does not live within walking distance of the hospital, they should be provided with midwives to deliver and care for the mother and her newborn. During childbirth a doctor,a midwife, a nurse someone should be there to help out in event of complications. Midwives should not be the only solution to preventing maternal deaths, hospitals should enough rooms to accomodate the expectant mothers, also a sufficient amount of supplies would help too. Childbirth should be something to look forward to as the bringing of new life, the question of if this woman will die during labour should never come across the mind.
This was a really sad article. I think someone needs to make a plan to build more hospitals to support these pregnant women. Someone should help start a way to get these women to hospitals. It is religion but males should be able to help these women if they dont theres just going to be more deaths that can be prevented
Tanner Banks
Pd. 4
Derrek Bost
If women die, they should die of something else, not when they are giving birth. It is bad enough when almost every woman is having a baby. A way we should help is to train more midwives in a village, so that when a woman in that village they can go to them. Another way is to build hospitals in every small and large villages. We or they should also keep a good amount of medicines in the hospitals so that nothing can go wrong in a womans birth.
Nicole Perez
Period 1
My views on this article are pretty simple, yes there needs to be someone, some organization, helping when these difficulties come up but my opinion is that they need to go farther back then just during pregnancy, they need to start promoting contraceptives in large and small cities alike. Most people reading this would see the problem as lack of medicine, female doctors, hospitals, etc. But I see the problem as their education. Therefore my answer to the main question is better sexual education. Contraceptives are obviously something that needs to be introduced into these situations. If there was better sexual education then I have no doubt that it would drastically help the issue at hand.
Wesley Hundley
I think that the whole midwives thing is a great idea. Because it cant interfere with religion and from the results on the article it seems to be really good. I also think that all women or at least pregnant women should have a pregnancy kit in there house so that maybe a midwife can come in as an emergency to deliver right in their home. Then hospitals should start stocking up on supplies for pregnant women since its becoming the number one killer in their country. By maybe having less of the things that they dont use very often and more supplies for child birth. Thats what I think should be done.
walter hueck
period 2
i believe that the midwife program they're doing is a good start.Along with training midwives they should also set up some small type of facility nearby.The facility would be to teach women about birth.It is defenitly a good start, but they need some facility even if it is small.
I think that they should build hospital near houses cause women should not die for that reason i think it is just rediculous how people there are just so uncaring of there women.Or maybe when its close for the time for the baby to come out the men should just check them in a hospital sooner then later so that way they can be ready for labor.Another idea is that they
should make a class for women can learn without going to the hoptial they should make a class and make it a law that women and there husbands must take a class that teaches them how to give birth at home.
i feel very strong of the fact that women are dying.i just think it is beautiful when a women is pregnet and why should thhey die i am not blaming anyone but im just saying why are people there just careless about big things like that i would hate to be one of the women over there you cant do anything .thank god i live in the USA
Nicole McElfresh Pd 4
To start with i think that they should just like you said in class have women that are trained get to know some patients and check on them during child birth. make sure everything is okay like a normal doctor would. then, assist them during pregnacy. i think that would help. also then they could have their children at home.
another way is to not get pregnant in the first place. it's not that hard. i hate that everywhere is so populated now because people cant control themselves and women are getting pregnant SO easily over dumb mistakes. it really makes me mad.
i don't know. they just really need to get their act together and figure something out before this all goes haywire.
Amanda Clayton
I think that these people should keep doing somewhat of what they are already doing. Training women to be midwives is a very efficient idea in order to have healthy babies and mothers. They will just have to figure out now how to get all the medicine in order to keep these babies and their mothers healthy before and after child birth.
natasha sheomangal blk6
I think that we as americans should help afghanistan to build more hospitals and stock up on more food, clothing,and beds for the women so that she can be comfortable and wont feel stressed out and i think that we can at least help them with selling cars or just giving them some cars for free if they cant aford it so that they can go anywhere they need to go. well they also can try to live closer to the hospital so that they dont have to worry about anything. They should also train some more midwifes so that they will be experienced and will be able to help the women out when they are pregnant. Its so sad to hear that so many women die just by being or giving birth to a child that is so sad. I think that we should help them with making the community or country more advanced and help them with their health insurance help them to get more jobs and food supplies . we should also try to help them with making more medication drugs and so on. when i grow up i will be going to pakistan and afghanistan to try to help them out with the problems that they have and donate some money to them too. i want to be able to help everyone in the world so that they dont have to suffer or die.well if i wont be so busy being a marine biologist though ill see. LOL i know you probably might be thinking man shes crasy but iam a very kind and helpful and jolly person no matter what.i hope you like my comment and i really did like this article too. ok latas best teacher ever(mr.wilson).
natasha sheomangal blk6 i also didnt get to tell you in school that i won a trophy for my dancing 1st place as always and ill be going to barbados soon too. hopefully thanksgiving break.my dance teacher didnt tell me when exactly ill be going but she told me that ill really be going because they are having a fall festival there and they want me to go and join them in the parade and do my dancing there so yah iam so lucky and excited.
Tyler McCulley
Prd. 6
I think it is a great idea to be training more females to be midwives. That is one of the only few ways that will be most successful in saving lives of pregnant women in Afghan. Having the midwifes come to the pregnant ladies house and deliver the baby will be a much more successful way rather than having to have to walk roughly 37 miles. Almost every time you have that far of a distance you will die. It is smart for them to teach mostly women to be midwives there in Afghanistan rather then men. The expectant mothers often will refuse the male doctor and die which i think is ignorant but it is there religion and they can live their life the way they wish. In my opinion it is a great idea
Maria Ortega
I think that we can help by trying to make hospitals near by. I also think that its great that they are training women to be midwives. But i also think that there is not much we can do. Because if the women of Afghanistan refuse to see a male doctor there is like no way to make them change their minds. So we can help by helping Afghanistan train more women to be midwives.This way the women will be helped out by midwives and not male doctors.So i think that we could help because its terrible that so many women are dieing turing labor.
Giovanni J. Lopez
Period # 3
Well, I think that when the mother is expecting that is time that the baby should come out, they should tansport her like 2 days or 1 day sooner so they will be prepare. Someone should make a plan to built more hospitals, or a place thar are the facilities and the doctors. United States should help those places that things like this are happening and not doing things to continue the war. Is not fair that most of the womens are dying just because there not many hospitals, facilities, doctors. Everyone should respect the human values sense the child birth. And thats not even a disease and most of the womens are dying just because of that.
This was a very sad article I never thought of women felling that strongly about men. But that was very sad about the women dying on the way to the hospital. I like the fact that they are doing something to prevent all those deaths from happening during child birth. All the women involved in the program where they are the doctors I believe they should be congradulated on there hard work.
Maybe to try and get women in hospitals a couple days before hand, and also expand more hospitals through out the area.Eventhough it consits of a lot of money its worth it.
arash akbari
Kiana Chan
Pd 4
It's always nice to hear of young adults or females making a difference in their community. This midwife program is one of the best solutions to this problem. Especially if mothers are dying during labor! This is a hard situation to tackle but even if women are pregnant, they should be given the most relaxed, comfortable place to have their child. Putting preganant women on a ladder or donkey is not the best example of this. I think they should build closer hospitals, train more women (not men), and provide enough supplies of medicine so that their high fertility rate, will start to decrease!
Enrique Vera
Well dude, I deff think that training the woman to be midwives is an alright thing to do. BUTT! having lack of hospitals are not such a good thing. I also think there should be more beds and people helping out at the limited few hospitals. OHH! and that thing were the woman can not see male doctors is wack! Yo on the real, If I be one of them womans giving birth I would just straight up see a male doctor than just die like that. thats crazy!
Bryan Vargas
I think training womans to be midwifrs is a good thing if the woman that is giving birth but does not whats to go the hospital,well i think its ok. To be a midwife they have to be trained very good on how to do everythging exactly how a doctors to it when a woman is giving birth. Its is not the same thing giving birth at the hospital than a there own house. First if a woman is giving birthat the house they are less stress out but they do not have all the medicine that they give to a woman to call her down or to relive the pain and stuff. People in Afghanistan have very different religous believe ats is another reason they do not want to go to a hospital and give birth.
pd 4
First off, they should really consider on building more hospitals around society. Second, the midwives idea is a geat idea. it gives the women more opportunities to have a healthy birth rather than to worry about traveling over 10 miles just to get to the local hospital. Hospitals should also consider a more efficient way to have more supplies to support these women.
Jorge Claudio
Well like they were saying in the article i think is a good idea to have midwifes. Usually the men are the one that are doctors and they can't see women nude because of their religion.The can only see their wife's only. Having midwife is a good thing because there's no part in their religion that say that women can't see nude women. Also they should at least try to make hospital close to villages.
Michael Toribio
period 6
What can be done to lower the risk of death during labor for women in Afghanistan?
Well I think what should be done first is to talk to these women and tell them why its so important for them to go to the hospital when in labor.
second I think they should build more hospitals in the poor areas.Because a big reason why they dont go to the hospital is because its to far.So build hospitals where needed.
I also think that in the situation that these women are in I think its best to have a female doctor present.
Alyssa Samonte
I agree with the "personal asistants" to help with child birth. So they dont have to violate there religon with the whole male doctor subject ,and hopefully this will lower the death risk. Plus theres not a hospital really close, so even if they did try to go to the hospital, they would have to go in advance.
Loren Forestier
Period 4th
I think that the Afghan government should build more hospitals near the smaller villages so that the women do not risk having labor outside in the wilderness. And also training actually female doctors and nurses instead of keeping the 'men-only' policy active.
Also, the fact men aren't allowed to see women might be a reason why it's contributing so highly to deaths. Not only will it take awhile for women to be fully trained to be mid-wives, but it would take even longer for hospitals to be built and as a result for many more years women are going to be dying. I think the answer here is that Afghanistan is gonna have to put there traditions on hold and allow these women to have proper medical care so that there children and themselves have a safer labor.
Ricardo Villafane
They need to make more hospitals, make them bigger too. They need to build more around small villages and more areas. Also in the hospitals they need to put more beds and more rooms. and if the room looks a little like if it can fit 2 or 3 beds but it only has one bed they need to put another one so it fits right. Anything is better than nothing. Its not just the hospitals though tehy should also put expectant mothers 1-3 days before they normally expect the baby.
Starsea Rodriguez
Prd: 3
I believe that the Midwife trainee programe seems to be doing something. Although, not enough. The programe may decrease the amount of maternal deaths, but what these people really need are more near-by hospitals, more beds for expectant mothers, female doctors, equipment, and maybe vehicles. Afghanistan is lacking in all of these categories. It is devastating to know that the government doesn’t do more of what is right.
Shelby Lambeth
4th period
In the article it talks about the Midwife Trainee Programe. I think that is a good idea but there arent that many people that have graduated to be one. It takes 18 months to take the course and in that time alot of babies and mothers can die.
I think that Afghanistan needs to make some type of transportation so that it makes it easier for women to get there.
i also think that if a women is pregnant that they should have someone be with them at all times and leave before they think the baby is going to b due so they get to the hospital early. The government should also do something to supply more things to the hospitals like beds, female doctors, and equipment like medicine for the mothers.
Jessica Vaccaro
1st Period
What i think they should do is try and build at least a hospital near the homes, or between two villages. I also think the mid-wife training is one of the best ways for the women. since they are strongly against seeing male doctors. and obvesously it is becoming more success becasue less women who are dieing. All i think they can do is train enough women in each village, so that no one will have to worry as much when the women is giving birth.
Javier Suarez
Thank God we don't have that whole belief of not being seen my another male than your husband. I mean who would really want to die by giving birth just by not wanting to see a male doctor. But on another topic, I think that once the U.S. gets together and becomes strong again we should definitely do something about this. We should at least give money for more medicine at each of the clinics.
I think this all really stinks and is stupid. By now I would think that they need to build a hospital near there homes or even have all the people move more near the hospitals. I do support the mid-wife training that they have started. I hope they get lots of women trained because that would really help and support these women in labour.
christian rozo
prd 5
i think that it is sad that there are they when they give birth they should have mid wives just in cause something happens and they should have hospateles more closer for the womans that are going to give birth or have them there when the time is close and the problemes with the male doctors they should have more females doctors for the wouldnt be a problame i think that should help them a lot so there shouldnt ba as much womans dieng ehen the give birth
Imani Walters
Honestly i think it's kind of ironic how women are dying from pregnancy, this shouldnt happen. either they stop getting pregnant or maybe america should jump in and help but at the same time we cant because we cant help the whole world right? Afghan should just make a more contious effort to help there own people or sadly the women would have to just be left without.
Katie McHale(baby mchale)
i think that the new midwives program is goin to help the mortality rate alot. Since the women could not show and part of their body to any man other than her husband it was hard to get the medical attention needed when all the doctors were men. But now expecting mothers are beginning to find hope that they will get what they need now tht females are helping with the medical emergencies.
Whitney Gordon
Pd. 4
It’s so sad that theses women are dying while giving child birth!! There should be one or two midwives in every town, village, city, where ever. Don’t theses people want to increase their population instead of declining it, and with not providing the proper care for these women they are just hurting there population. There needs to be more then just one bed in the hospital because one there is going to be a time where there is going to be more then one expecting mother in the hospital and how are u going to provide the care for both with just one bed? Make them share? And two something might happen with the women is giving birth, she could get really sick or something and they are going to need to provide medicine and care for her and she might have to stay for a few nights. The hospitals need to have enough medicine for the mothers and babies, what’s the point for going to a hospital, which is supposed to provide u care, doesn’t?
I think it is great that they are starting to teacher women in Afghanistan how to be midwives. They are going to be helping so many women and they already have delivered over 60 healthy babies!!!!!! A lot of the women were saying I would rather die then go to a male doctor, cause of what they believe in. but the women weren’t thinking, because they were just killing themselves they were also killing there babies by not going to the doctor and having the proper care while giving birth. But with the midwives the problem is solved!
Amanda Trinidad
Period 5
This problem can be solves by more women getting educated to becoming mid-wives so they can help deliver healthy babies. Another thing that can be done to lower death during labour is to make more clinics so that way women dont have to travel so far. And if more women become educated then they would probably stop having sexual relations at an early age.
Devin De Como
period 3
I think that the only thing we can do is make better hospitals there. Like the ones we have here, not alot of mothers die while in labor in The United States.
joe haddad
well to start off the woman should stop bein so darn stubborn. damn woman your gonnna die if i doctor cant touch you. also stop having soo many kids i think threes enough. other ideas might me for the other woman to start learning a few things about birth so they can assist there afgan citizens..
Lina Habeych
period 4
I personaly think that it is crazy how far the hosptials are.The hositals should be at a closer distance to the people, so they are able to access help quickly.The idea Of training people to be midwifes is an excellent idea. More woman will be prepared and will have a better idea Of what to do.They deff need to build more clinics so people can be seen and helped faster.When more clinics and hospitals closer to the people are built there will most likely be a less percent Of woman who die during labour. More midwifes being involved will alos help the percent go down.
Anthony Jattan
i think that all this is unnessary. i understand stand that its against ur belief to let another man have anything to do with your stuff, but delievering a baby has to be an exception. i mean so many woman are dieing because of it. and the baby themselves arent surviving because the woman arent going to see doctors. common, if your not going to do it for yourself do it for your child.
Vanessa Cruz
Period 1
I think they should have more beds and space for the women. Also i think the ladies should let a male doctor be there doctor it shouldnt matter unless they want to die. Or at least higher more women doctors to take care of the ones who dont like a male as there doctor.
yari dejesus
First of all i think its dubm of the woman to not let the male doctors help them out because what do they preferr to die trying to give birth or live. I know its part of their believe to hide themselves but i also think that its just only when they give birth a male doctor will do his job.
I ALSO think that since some woman and families cant afford hospitals and dont want a male doctor then they should teach farmers and woman themselves how to help womans give birth.
Devin Powell
Period 4
Afghanistan is the source of many deaths during labor for women. Although there are a multitude of solutions that we (the people commenting in this blog) feel are reasonable, there are only a select few that the people of Afghanistan will accept.
I believe that the midwife trainee program is a step towards the right direction, but it needs some modifications. The program needs to be more widespread across Afghanistan in order to be successful. The Afghan government should strongly encourage women of all ages to take the course, because less than one percent of the female population have graduated from the program. The Aga Khan Health Services should find a method to condense the training into a shorter time period.
Another solution to this problem is for the government to encourage (if not mandate) sex education classes for both men and women. Some schools in the United States enforce sex education classes, and some of these classes strongly encourage abstinence or safe sex. The majority of Afghans already practice abstinence because of their religious beliefs and customs, although they get married much earlier in life than the average American. If they were educated about family planning, then there would not be as great of a risk during a woman's pregnancy.
I also think that hospital standards should be raised and hospital budgets be increased. As explained in the article, the very few hospitals available for expectant mothers in villages do not have enough medication and rooms for them. Higher standards and budgets will allow for safer deliveries.
Finally, I think that more female doctors should be trained at hospitals. Some people, namely Americans (and at least one person who responded to this blog), would rather die in labor than see a male doctor. Yet that is only our opinion; most of us do not know how sacred the Islamic beliefs (such as only allowing husbands to see women nude) are to most Afghans. We cannot change the way they think, but we can change the number of female doctors are available to assist women in labor.
Alex Serna
Period 4.
WOW! In the lenght of 28 minutes a women dies during childbirth just in Afghanistan. The time it takes me to read this article and reply one woman most likely died in Afghanistan. That is in unbelievable amount of women dying. Also, there are 7.5 children per woman in Afghanistan that is in outrageous number. I disagree with their belief and i think they should make an acception for male doctors. If a women wants to live and a male doctor is available they should allow him to help. I think that they need to find a way to get hospitals closer to villages and resolve their situation before it gets anymore out of control than it already is.
Michael sipe
I think that the US could help these people it would be a much better way other than spending money on the war, also get some of our doctors to go over there and help. also we need to tell them about having kids so they understand what could happen and maybe lower the "production" to maybe 2 kids
Gabriel Maldonado
4th Period (Last minute, I know.)
I believe the government of Afghanistan needs to simply break tradition and allow these women to see male doctors, It would save the government and people money by not having to train most of these mid-wives. I can see complications with this, but I believe with instead of building full-fledged hospitals they could build a sanitary clinics with maybe 1-2 doctors there on a schedule due date, then it can be a effective way of keeping everyone safe and decreasing the mortality of death during and right before labor
tanner garbutt
I think that there needs to be more hospitals in better places for all these women that are having babies .Also these ladies need to let the men deliver there babies, because they wouldn't have so many injuries and deaths if they just allowed them to help. Another thing is that the women need to get to the hospital earlier and much faster than how they are now, the transportation if it was up to date would also be a big help in delivering all these babies. but then again there is not much they can do with little money and it seems like these women have little help, and a poor government.
Fahren Rivera
1 Pd
What can be done to lower the risk of death during labor for women in Afghanistan?
Pregnant women should stay in hospital until birth if they live to far to get help if they needed it immediately. The hospitals should never be short on staff and always have the equipment they need handy in case emergencies were to happen. If the hospitals don't reach such requirements than how is it meeting the needs of patients and doing what hospitals are meant to do?
Jeremiah Combs
Period 2
to lower the death rate of mothers in afganistan the government could possibly put small clinics in all of the town areas. Another way to lower the death rate is to make it possible for more women to become doctors. If female education was better and more easily aquired than the death rate would drop dramaticly. If there was some sort of 7/11 store where they could get condoms or birth control the rate of maternal mortality would drop almost to none.
I believe that doin this would be a great start for Afganistan and that I really think they should start building more health clinics just for these situations invoving women pregancy.
Alexander Perryman
I belive that we as a nation need to do something about these tragities. The women who have such extreme veiws on there religieon, need to get a hold of themselves and let doctors look at them. I also think as a nation we need to train more mid-wives to take the responsibility of getting tose babies out alive.
George Bush
President of the United States
I agree with Garrett Brough from period 2. The Afghan mothers need to die in order to stop giving birth to terrorists. Terrorists are bad, especially terrorists from the Middle East. I have an idea: we should bomb Afghanistan and start a war there! A war with nucyoolar bombs that destroy Afghanistan! Power to America, who is better than everybody else, and power to God, who is better than Allah and the Jewish god!
Roger Gray
Period 2
I personaly think they should have women that help them. If a person dies of child birth it can make their population go down a slope hill. There should be women doctors espacialy for delivering babies. No one would like their son or daughter who's on the way to die because that would cause sadness and depression in that family. We must put our selves in their shoes and think about the effect pf not having women doctors to deliver babaies can do the population of that country.
Senator John McCain
Next Bush of America if becomes president
i agree with bush and what he said but he is so dumb that he doesn't know that Allah and the Jewish god is the same god to Christians. Just like "that guy over there" *points towards Senator Obama*
Senator Obama
I appreciate you comment senator McCain but you don't have to be rude.
Senator John McCain
Next Bush of America if becomes president
Fine i guess i will wander around then! and scribble random things on paper because i am nervous!
Senator Obama
Alright then
ok who ever is posting that they are Obama and McCain and bush better stop be cause Mr.Wilson is going to get Mad
Valeria Moctezuma
Period 3
In order to lower the risk of death during labor for the women of Afghanistan, they need to build more hospitals in the area. If your in labor and the nearest hospital is 37 miles away, then that's a problem because many people in Afghanistan didnt even have a car. So if nobody in the village had experience with that then the mother can easily die. That's why they can also educate the women of Afghanistan to become nurses so they would know what to do when that time comes.
melvin ramos
we should do more to help people around the world. the women need more hospitals nearby. the effort in having mid wives is working but stil they need more help. having more education there is a good way to lower death rates in giving birth.
Uniquia Jones
prd 1
I agree with Fahren a little but on the othere hand you cant really house the pregant women until they givie birth because every more than ten women get pregant. Therefore the hospitals would be over crowded and hospitals arent just for pregant women. So what i think they should do is like a week or so before they are due to give birth go to the hosiptal and stay!
Uniquia Jones
prd 1
I agree with Fahren a little but on the othere hand you cant really house the pregant women until they givie birth because every more than ten women get pregant. Therefore the hospitals would be over crowded and hospitals arent just for pregant women. So what i think they should do is like a week or so before they are due to give birth go to the hosiptal and stay!
Uniquia Jones
prd 1
I agree with Fahren a little but on the othere hand you cant really house the pregant women until they givie birth because every more than ten women get pregant. Therefore the hospitals would be over crowded and hospitals arent just for pregant women. So what i think they should do is like a week or so before they are due to give birth go to the hosiptal and stay!
jonathan cardona
I believe the government of Afghanistan needs to simply break tradition and allow these women to see male doctors. since they cannot see the doctor so they dont know what to do and die wile giving birth or in labor. one thing they can do is make some women doctors to help the other pregnant women give birth. since the tradistion is a man cannot se other parts of the skin a woman can do it beacuse they did not spesifiy that woman cant see other parts of the body that is not coverd.
whatever happenes too the women is bad they should have more health clinics to help them and they will be able to get on with there lives healty people no matter there race they have blood ruinning though there viens there human beings and they need help just like you and me.
Jeslyn Camacho
pd 6
First they need to get women to hospitals days before birth. Women shouldnt have to die because of birth.They need people to help them.there losing there population down very slowly
The three great wars of the ancient times: the wars have been fought over women, land, and power. These Three wars are so similar in many ways. All of the wars where fought between Greece and another Empire. The main reason for all these wars where usually over land and the control of an Empire. For instance the Trojan War was at first was to get back the wife of King Menelaus. Later the Trojan War was about taking over Troy. The Persian war was about the Greek taking over Persian Empire which goes along with taking over land and controlling an Empire. The Peloponnesian War was between Sparta and Greece which was to take over land to either join an alliance or to be conquered.
The Trojan War was the first of these three great wars fought back in the old ancient times in 1194–1184 BC. The Greeks and the Trojans fought because Paris, Prince of Troy took the Greek King Menelaus's wife, Helen who was the most beautiful woman on Earth with them back to Troy where they got married. When King Menelaus found out what had happen he was out raged and went out for the help of his brother to find Troy and take back his wife. The war was fought outside the walls of troy. They couldn’t destroy down the great wall of Troy so they made it look like a disease had taken over their men. The Trojans left leaving behind a Trojan horse which was there to look like a gift toward the Gods. The Trojans took in the horse has a victory trophy for their winning the war. That night while everyone was sleeping, Greek soldiers broke out of the horse and silently opened the gate to the City of Troy. That night the whole city of Troy was burned down and Achilles was killed. This is different from the Persian War because this was fought at first over Helen the Ex husband of King Menelaus. If I were to compare the Persian War to the Trojan War is that it played a big part in Greek History and they were well equipped. The difference between them is that they fought in Troy and the Trojans were heavily armed with great shield and good materials using mainly with arrows while the Greeks used good strategies and heavy shields with spear trust which calls for close range fighting. The comparison and contrast to the Peloponnesian war is that they both used great walls as a defense to aid them in battle the difference is that in the Peloponnesian war they also used navy to fight on water.
The Persian War of the ancient times. The war started when the Greek cities where restless and causing trouble under the Persian control and a revolt of the Ionian cities, led by Miletus who broke out against the Persians in 499 B.C. The Athenian sent out ships to help aid the revolt which helped the Milesians capture Sardis the Persian capital if Lydian’s Satrapy. In 494 B.C the rebellion had suppressed Darius decided to attack the main land Greeks and gain revenge for Athenian actions and also so he could expand his empire westward. The comparing of the Persian War to the Trojan War mainly because Paris stole Helen away from King Menelaus. King Menelaus who wanted revenge for the stealing of his wife by Paris and then his brother wanting to take over the land of Troy, The contrast between the Two is that the war was in Greece between Greek city-states. Another difference is the fighting style and strategies. The difference between the Peloponnesian War and the Persian war is that that they had a strong navy which where they had to fight on water. The Peloponnesian War was fought in Athens with the Athenians.
The Peloponnesian War all started over when two allies of Sparta threaten to withdraw from the Peloponnesian league if Sparta did not back them up over the concerns over their concerns that Athens would use its superior naval power to weaken Sparta control of the Peloponnesian league. The Peloponnesian war began in 431 B.C when both sides thought they had winning strategies. The comparison to Peloponnesian the war and the Trojan War is that they both had to find a way to get through the great big wall or in the other case to use it as a defense. The contrast is that in the Peloponnesian war navies were used to help aid in battle and also the reason for war wasn’t for getting a wife back. The contrast to the Persian War is that the Persian War started with revenge and then went on from there to conquering land. The comparison to the Persian war is that they were prepared with good armor and their weapons were more advanced.
The Trojan, Persian, and Peloponnesian wars played a great part in history. These wars showed the fight for the land they needed to expand their empire. The Trojan War with its great wall and the Trojan horse used to help aid the other side to try and gain victory. The Persian War with the Great revolts which causes anger and war for revenge. Last the Peloponnesian War with the great navies and strategies that are used to try and conquer one another. These three great wars show us how technology has changed and what’s different and the same about the wars and their situation.
Roger Gray a.k.a. Mustachio
Period: 2
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