By Fergus Walsh BBC News medical correspondent |
Exclusive look inside the animal research lab at Oxford with BBC Medical Correspondent Fergus Walsh.
Oxford University says the first animals have been moved into a new biomedical sciences centre in the city.
The building will bring together animal research currently conducted at around half a dozen facilities in the city.
Construction began five years ago but building work halted for more than a year when the contractors pulled out, citing intimidation from animal rights groups.
The four storey Oxford animal lab is still surrounded by anonymous wooden hoardings topped with barbed wire.
It is ringed with cameras and is a highly secure building.
Inside, biosecurity is a key feature.
Before getting to see the first animals I had to put on protective overalls, plastic shoe covers and a hairnet.
This is mostly to protect the animals from any germs I might bring in.
The first animals moved in were mice, which is perhaps appropriate given that rodents will make up 98% of the inhabitants.
Eventually there will also be zebrafish, tadpoles, frogs and small numbers of guinea pigs, gerbils and hamsters.
There will be no cats or dogs and no farm animals.
Macaque monkeys
But most controversial of all, there will be macaque monkeys.
Like man, macaques are primates and have a highly developed brain.
Scientists at Oxford say this makes them crucial for research into neuro-degenerative disorders like Parkinsons's and Alzheimer's.
An entire floor of the new building is given over to macaque research.
Around 100 monkeys will be housed there.
There are several monkey holding rooms, each with a large u-shaped cage which is subdivided into five play and five living areas.
The University says the macaques will spend very little time in individual cages.
There are ladders and shelves to climb on and rubber tyres.
The macaques have not been moved to the new building yet, but I did see the current monkey facility.
The University points out that it meets all the requirements laid down by the Home Office for animal research, but it has less individual space than the new lab and there is no access to natural daylight.
Operating theatres
I wasn't allowed to see animal experiments, but I did get to look at the two operating theatres on the new primate research floor.
It looks like a hospital - only the operating tables have still to be fitted.
What will go on here will appal those who are opposed to animal experiments.
Under general anaesthetic monkeys will be given brain lesions to mimic the effects of Parkinson's disease.
Oxford scientists say this has already helped lead to new treatments for the condition.
And they point out that all animal experiments - especially those involving monkeys - are strictly controlled.
Animals can be used only if experiments with cells or computer models are deemed inappropriate.
Stroke research
Very few Oxford animal researchers are prepared to give interviews. But Professor Alastair Buchan did speak to me.
Animals are needed within research in order to understand and to prevent disease Sarah Wolfensohn University of Oxford |
He treats stroke patients and heads a research programme which studies rat brains.
He says animal research is essential: "Without the observations in animals we would not have started in humans and there would be no treatment for stroke.
"I can't think of any way you can do that in a culture.
You can't make a head injury in a dish, you can't create a stroke in a test tube you cant create a heart attack on a chip it just doesn't work."
Animal welfare
The University says animal welfare will be greatly improved in the new building.
For the first time vets will be based on the same site as all the animals.
Sarah Wolfensohn, the head of veterinary services at Oxford University says the new research lab will be better for the animals and produce better science: "Animals are needed within research in order to understand and to prevent disease.
"Prevention of disease is the holy grail, which will benefit both animal and human health."
Four years ago, Cambridge University cancelled plans for a primate research centre, because of concerns over spiralling security costs linked to animal rights.
We are here to highlight that Oxford University are mutilating animals on a daily basis Amanda Richards SPEAK |
It marked a huge victory for animal rights protestors, who then moved their campaign to Oxford.
The vast majority of protests have been entirely lawful.
But the police say a small minority of extremists have carried out acts of arson and vandalism against the university, building contractors and anyone they suspected of being linked to the new laboratory.
In 2004 the contractors pulled out citing intimidation.
Shareholders had been sent hoax letters urging them to sell.
The government introduced new legislation making "economic sabotage" linked to animal research a crime.
Ministers promised to help with the security costs.
After a 16 month delay work resumed, with building workers covering their faces to avoid identification.
A court injunction limits protest outside the building to four hours every Thursday afternoon.
Amanda Richards is one of many who turn up each week.
She says the SPEAK campaign believes in lawful protest and that it is crucial that someone represents the animals.
"We are here to highlight that Oxford University are mutilating animals on a daily basis.
"Our intentions are to continue campaigning to persuade them to change this from an animal torture to a lab which is looking at the alternatives which will drive medicine forward."
SPEAK says animal research is not just immoral, but worthless.
Two years ago, to counter the opposition to the lab, a group called Pro-Test was set up by sixteen year old schoolboy Laurie Pycroft, which attracted support in Oxford and beyond.
Hundreds of scientists signed a declaration saying that animal research is vital if new treatments for cancer, heart disease and other conditions are to be found.
So for some the new laboratory will be seen as a crucial centre of medical progress.
For others it will continue to be a place of animal suffering.
This seems like a combonation good idea and terrible idea. The safety for humans is always a bonus, however the enourmus amount of monkeys that are used in this research seems much larger than needed. Saving human lives is good and beneficial to every single human. The anger put in the hearts of the animal lovers by this research is much lower than it should be. Usually i get called or emailed by my friends who are super into this sort of thing, but this topic has yet to reach my ears. It must be a decently important study to get respect from activists. I approve greatly for the fantastic aspects and the possible reprecusions of the death of several monkeys is understandable for the cause.
Jeremiah Combs
Period 2
thomas tomko
3rd period
We may the most 'evolved' as Darwin puts it species on our planet.
But we must realize that evolution is just a theory.
It can't yet be proven by modern science.
They may have proved that all species humans included have similar characteristics but no concrete evidence for evolution has been presented thus far.
Our DNA may share similar structures and our physiology similar patterns but for all we know this could have just been a random biological event. The chance may be slim but we can't ignore the fact that such a chance is existent.
Evolution may or may not exist. But I do know that we are all living creatures and if we are the most 'evolved' species on this earth would you not also agree that we have a duty to protect and not abuse for our own needs the lesser species of this planet?
And you can create a heart attack on a chip and a stroke also. You just need to know how.
Alyssa Rivera
Pd. 2
I think that we should continue testing on the animals however try to make the number of monkeys as minimal as possible. I think monkeys are adorable and i love animals but if it's going to benifit millions of people currently and in the future then i think that it would be worth it. I hope that the monkeys recieve proper care while theyre there also.
Mae Alvidera
pd 4
NO! First off, it's disgusting and second, it's just totally wrong to do that to MONKEYS! I know they’re trying to save lives and all, but I think it’s just really wrong to do it to innocent animals. First, they do make up testing with rabbits; now, it’s experimenting with monkeys. Even if it is “survival of the fittest”, can’t we do it the right way instead of eliminating the “lower classed species” by tormenting them like this? In fact, they shouldn’t experiment on animals. If they want to see real results, then why don’t they just experiment on themselves?
Fahren Rivera
1 Pd
This is a tough question because I think yes and than again I also think no. I understand where the members of SPEAK are coming from when they say that these experiments are cruel and unjust because it threatens the lives of innocent animals. But than again I also see where the scientists are coming from too. Because it's not like they get some kind of sick personal amusement out of cutting monkey brains wide open. They do it because their researching and trying to find ways to cure and treat a wide variety illnesses and cancer. I look at it like this 20 monkeys verse the lives of millions human being, you decide.
Giovanni J. Lopez
Period # 3
Well I really don't like this idea. If you see they are using all kind of animals to experiment different kind of things. Maybe they want to experimented on monkeys, because monkeys and humans have lot of things that are similar. But still monkeys are creatures like any other. They might found things that can benefit a lot of people and safe peoples life.By using monkeys for experiments might decreased the number of monkeys on the planet. And at least me, I dont want this to happen. So my opinion is that they should look for others strategies, if their is no more strategies, then do what you have to do.
No no no no noooo.
I dont NOT believe we should use monkeys or any kind of animal should be used as a lab experiment. They are not any less important as us.
That would be like if monkeys used as us their lab rat to cure a monkey disease. "Under general anaesthetic monkeys will be given brain lesions to mimic the effects of Parkinson's disease" if this is an example of what they are doing it's wrong. Very wrong. I completly disagree on everything their doing and they should be ashamed of theur selves.
Alyssa Grayson
period 6
Valeria Moctezuma
Period 3
I don't think it's a good idea to experiment on monkeys because their living creatures.
Any animal is a living creature. If these people want to find cures for these diseases then
they might as well test it on a human being that is willing to do it.
You don't have to kill these animals, which have no say in them wanting to do it or not.
They have the right to live because they are not bothering anyone.
Also, these are animals not Humans so whatever you test on them may have a different effect then when you test it on a Human.
Chris Jones
Period 1
I think that this idea is a great idea and a horrible idea at the same time. I think its great that scientist are looking for a cure. but I think its horrible that scientist are killing a lot of monkeys for the cure. I think that if we had to sacrifice a few monkeys to save thousands or millions of humans then I would agree with that. as long as were not killing an INCREDABLE amount of monkeys then I agree with it because humans can do a lot more than monkeys can do with advancing in technology and everything else. WITH THIS COMMENT YOU WILL NOTICE THAT I AM GOING BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN DECISIONS BUT IT IS A VERY CHALLENGING CHOICE. IF I HAD TO CHOOSE THEN I WOULD CHOOSE TO TEST WITH THE MONKEYS BUT KEEP A VERY CLOSE EYE ON THE MONKEY POPULATION SO WE DON'T KILL OF THE WHOLE SPECIES.
I think Social Darwinism is awfull. Its not right to all these innocent animals. The problem with these scientist is that if the were the "lesser species" this would be an outrage. If we keep up with this its just going to lead to the exstinction to the monkeys. So no i think they need to find a new way to help human being unstead of taking the lives of another species its ridicoulous.
Tanner Banks
Maria Ortega
I think that this is goood and bad at the same time. I think it good because its good that we are finding new teatments to many diseases. I think its good this way not so many people have to be dealing with this diseases. I think that its great that they are finding new treatments to cancer,heart disease and other thing because so amny people die from these diseases. I also think this is bad because we are hurting so many animals. I think that its bad to use animals in labs. I also dont really think they should be using animals for this its just not right. In my opinion this is good and bad at the same time.
Justin Preston
3rd period
isnt there a law against animal cruelty in the U.S. i think that this law should apply to all the people living in the U.S. even the doctors because if you thing about it they are being cruel to the monkeys just to help us out. they dont even know if it will even work. I myself am a animal lover and i dislike it when people kill animals unless it is for food like a wild deer if they have no other way of eating. but the doctors are not killing for food they are killing the monkeys for an expirement that might not even work. if the monkeys could think for themselves and talk they would most likely so no if we asked them to give their life up for an expirement with the possibility of the scientist finding nothing. that is why i dislike what the scientist are doing and i think they should stop.
Garrett Brough
Period 2
I am half and half on this subjuct.I mean i want their to be new cures and everything,but i also don't want the deaths of animals. i'm more towards making the future brighter more than saving a few animals. When it comes down to it i would like a cure for cancer rather than monkeys in the forest. Though if these people go to far thier could be catastrophic results to the ecosystem thus, destroying the way we live in the process.
Wesley Hundley
I think that finding a cure to human diseases is beneficial. But using monkeys is a bad thing but at the same time it's also the only way to really find a working cure. I think that the scientists should be able to use the monkeys but at a certain limit. There should be a limit to the number of monkeys they use and only monkeys that have bad living conditions and would die anyway because of were they live. Animals kill each other anyway in the wild so not many have a long life anyway. There should be an agreement between the scientists and the protestors.
Starsea Rodriguez
Prd: 3
Yes I agree & No I don't agree.
This article is by far the sickest and the most wrong thing that I have ever read in my life about animals. Do you actually think that this is "not cruelty" to animals? If beating up a chicken or a dog is cruelty then how is doing harmful experiments on animals not cruelty. I am a big animal lover, I must say. Just to hear the capable idea's that comes from a human being is DISGUSTING. I always say to try to put yourself in that certain animal's position. I am 100% sure that 50% to 75% of you wouldn't like to be used for experiments. Sure, it can have great results and new findings for man kind when testing on these animals. But, let me just say this, that diseases, death and everything else is just a part of life. It’s all a cycle just like the Amazon has its own cycle. If we break this cycle we never know what’s capable of happening.
I would be ok with this article and idea if only we could use different species. May be the results won't be as accurate. But, lets not use so many monkeys, etc. that could cause them to go into extinction.
Alyssa Samonte
This is obviously benifical to mankind,but i can see where problems can occur.Activists wont like this idea,which would lead to riots,ect.Personally i think this is a good idea. To save human lives, for a couple of monkeys! I would make sure the speicies remains alive. This world already eliminated enough animals from this earth as it is.
Javier Suarez
Many people will say that experimenting on any kind of animal is just horrible. But once you really think about it, all of these medicines and cures that we have today must have been tested on something whether it was a person or animal. Yeah it does really make me feel bad to know that all these innocent monkies are being experimented on, but this is all to our benefit.
Jonathan Alvarado
I don't think it is right for these people to be doing experiments on these animals. I think it good that they are looking for cures but the way they are doing it is wrong. These animals are living creatures and humans have no right to take the life of any body.
This expirement sounds absolutely awful.lives of animals should not be taken away for this, even if it is going to benefit the human society.Im not even a animal lover but these poor monkeys dont deserve this.its just simply wrong.disease is a part of life and attempting this which may not fully work is not worth it.
arash akbari pd 3
Devin De Como
period 2
I think its wrong to experiment on animals. I understand that it could benefit humans but what does it do for the monkeys. Let them be free.
Vicmariel Colon
My heart is seriously torn in two right now. This type of research is COMPLETELY beneficial and could ultimately find cures for diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. We need this type of research in order for any type of advancement in the medical field. Unfortunately, I despise the fact that animals, such as the Macaque monkey are getting hurt in the process. Although, I do think that this really wouldn't be a big deal if it was another species(i.e. a rodent). Nevertheless, I think that both sides have VERY valid arguments. There are many people out there that would say that this is a very black and white situation (you either agree or disagree), but I feel that it goes much more deeper than people might think. so for now... I'm pretty much... GRAY ;-)
period 4
i think that its a good idea to wanna find a way to cure all those diseases..but its messed up to do it on animals who have done absolutely nothing.
its true its simply animal toture ,even if its to our benefit ,im not so sure its the right thing to do.
Animals are needed within research in order to understand and to prevent disease
Mercedes Penaroque
period 2
Im half and half on this subject. I do think it is good they are coming up with cures with bad diseases. But however i think they could possibly find another way to research on these things. Maybe using monkeys isnt the best choice,but then it is a good choice because theyre the closest related animal to us. Im not sure wether they should continue or not. All and all it is good theyre researching cures. But i just dont see it being a good idea to research on animals.
Kyle Snead
per 2
I Believe two things one I do believe that it is wrong to Kill animals Just because of social Darwinism because unless your are starvig and need food then I think Social Darwinism Should be used. But on the other hand I think if the t is helps us cure diseases than I think we should still do these types us thins so people can live longer and live healthier.
I think that its not cool to decrease the amount of monkeys on this world so they should look for others ways, if their is no more strategies, then do what you got to do To save human lives
Mary Ann Woodyard
period 6th
Kiana Chan
pd 4
ANy type of animal being sure is being tested for a reason...i suggest that experimenting keeps the cures on coming..but the thought of experimenting with an animal is aanything but a good thought..its horrible..i know..but in order to advance our technology and make benefits to the human society we should take our chances..
period 1
I think even though killing these animals can save many humans lives it still wrong. The animals have lifes to and its not fair to take it alway from them because a humans life is in danger. I believe everything happens for a reason so if somebody gets that disease of coruse you are going to try and stop it, but if not you cant do nothing about it. You shouldnt try to stop it by harming aimals.
Kaia Jennings
Period 6.
I personally believe this is wrong. Humans shouldn't test on animals because they also have feeling. If people really wanna know if a medication or surgery works, they should get human volunteers. I believe its wrong to test thing on the animals that can't speak for themselves. Yes, its good that scientist are trying to help humans with certain problems that need to be used in labs and such, but using these things on animals that can't speak for themselves is wrong. I believe its animal cruelty.
Nick Redmond
Period 6th
Well I don't think we should use monkey's as our test subjects. We should just use people that have the sickness so we get the full affect. And that means we are not killing something that becomes extinct. And when we use people we can see what happens to them with other medicines. And if you were a monkey would you like to experimented on? Well I would not.
christian rozo
prd 5
i think is good and bad it sounds bad when you here it but if you think these is mostly how the find how to cure dieseas they shouldnt kill to much monkeys and if they do they should stop but what if we swatch places wuold people still want to keep doing the same thing people say no dont do it cause it not right but would it be right if it was some body close to them that had that i think it depeans on the person and how the think i think its a horrible thing to do but i dont now if we should or shouldent
Shanise Green
Period 1
I feel like this is a hard situation to decide on. One part of me is saying that it is a good idea and the other part of me is sayin its a bad idea. I feel like they should test it on rats instead of monkeys. Monkeys are more human-like and have more feelings. If this idea is to better human life than i agree.
Jordan Griffin Period 4
I think that the Social Darwinism going on here is not needed. Sure the scientists have good intentions but this is just wrong. The scientist are being hypocritical. Like someone else above (tanner banks)said if we were the "lesser species" alot of people would be outraged. And we are going to push the monkeys into extinction.
katie mchale
I think that it is a both good and bad idea. I personaly dont like the idea of animals being tested on in labs. On the pther hand though it is better not to test on humans. If there is other ways to test something though than an animal shouldnt be harmed in the process.
Monique Pagan
I think that experimenting on the monkeys is sad because the Macaque monkeys are pretty much helpless and cant do anything to stop it, but if it means finding cures for diseases and disorders like Parkinsons's and Alzheimer's, then i think that the scientist should go right ahead and keep doin what there doing. Because if they do find a cure they save thousands of lifes of people with it
I think that this is goood and bad at the same time.I think its not a good idea to decrease the amount of monkeys on this planet. They should look for others ways. I dont like the idea of animals being tested on in labs. The scientists have good intentions but this is wrong.If their is no more ideas, then they need to do what is best for saving humans.
Im not sure what my opinion is for this subject. I think this is good way of coming up with cures for these dangerous diseases. However i think there may be other ways to reseach for new cures. Im not sure wether they should continue this research in this way or not. I think they should use less intelligent animals like rats or mice.
Melvin Ramos
i realy dont like the idea of using monkeys even though its to help us. they are animals & are part of nature & many people love nature. im one of those people. i suggest they should do more experiments on the computor & not on animals. they have the tech to do so.
jonathan cardona
i think killing these animals to save our lives is wrong. i think they are looking for cures the wrong way. we may be the same in ways but still we are diffrent in ways too. if it will work on a monky it dosent mean it will work on a human being. they are sacraficing monky lives to save human lives which is totally wrong and immoral.
Desiree Reid
Period 4
Monkeys are the most adorable animals and they are very smart. Therefore, i don't believe scientists should use them for testing. Monkeys are intelligent animals; they should be used for better purposes. I understand how the scientists are trying to find a cure for diseases but they can find it a better way. It would be OK if they use a curtain amount of monkeys but not to a point where it would cause extinction.
Alex Serna
Period 4.
This is a hard question because we are killing innocent animals but I believe it's for the best. So in other words, yes I do think "Social Darwinism" gives us the right to experiment on the "Lesser Species". The Human race is the dominate species on the planet so I believe if we want to continue to live we should experiment on animals for us to live longer and happier. I do realize these animals also have families and live lives similar to those of humans but, if we want to find cures for humans we need dont want to experiment on humans. I think we should try to do more experiments on rats because they are a "lesser species".
Daniel Amezquita
2nd Pd.
I've always found this a critical issue, and as horrible as most people say it sounds; I am for animal testing. One thing that drives me insane is hypocritical people, and I'm not saying ALL but most of those 'Animal Rights Activists' are just that. Sure, they say that testing on animals is harsh and inhumane. However, if they were on their death bed, and the only thing that could save them is a medicine that was a product of animal testing, 95% of those 'Animal Rights Activists' would take the medicine without the slightest hesitation. But that's only half the argument. By testing on these animals the possibilities are endless. The cure for cancer could be just waiting to happen at those laboratories. So to answer the question; I do think that we can benefit from Social Darwinism.
Amanda Trinidad
I dont believe they should use animals to see how they can cure this disease. Yes in way it MIGHT help humans, but then again we dont know if it will and thats a risk that we will be taking. Killing an animal 4 experimenting something that scientist dont know how it will go is wrong!
Amanda Lund
prd. 2
Im kind of on both sides. I feel like the experiments with the monkeys and other animals can be benificial to us, but not to the them. I understand how killing animals help us with finding cures for diseases, like the Parkinson's disease, but it's sad that the animals have to suffer. I mean there are many other ways to find cures then to find them through animals. These animals are helpless and were just taking advantage of them.
Imani Walters
i cant really put forth a straight answer on this but i do think its really messed up in a way like the animals are apart of life and to be honest i'm a sensitive person wen it comes to animals so i dont think its fair. i'm sure they can find another way to test their experiment but just acting as if this is nothing is a bit depressing. but than again people like this put humans first before anything so if it saves lives than i guess it counts.
Nicole McElfresh
Pd 4.
I think reguardless of the reason that killing any type of animal is wrong. Animal testing should be banned. In some states it already is. Many people won't even buy items if they are proto tested on an animal. In my opinion that is just wrong.
Every animal deserves a shot in life, for that we are not giving it. We are taking that life for our own good. We are selfish people, I'm against any type of killing or even potentionally harming an animal. I also believe that reguardless of what you look like, an animal, insect, or even alien haha, God put life in us. Therefore it should not be dimished by the good of the common people.
Find a new way, if men are walking on the moon then there ought to be a better way to test these products if not on an animal.
Derrek Bost
I think this is a bad idea to find ways to cure diseases. animals are just like us but with different mind knowledge. There might be other possible ways to expirement on diseases. If there is not and the only way is to use animals, then fine use animals. I will not like it a lot but if it is necessary then ok. Anyways monkeys are kind of like us, so that is like using us for expirements.
Michael Sipe
I do not like thyis idea at all animals are not to be killed for the benifit of mankind unless it is neccesary or you have the right permission. would we want someone operating on us to find out different cures for diesiese i do not thiink so.
Alexnader Perryman
Period 4
I think social darwinisim is an interesting topic. It is a little disturbing that you would use animals for this, with the tech. we have sont you think that we can come up with some sort of alternative. When they do those things to monkeys its a weird, because arn't monkeys geneticaly almost the same as humans. Ummmm.
Mallory Shephard
Period 4
This article involes many rights and wrongs to the whole situation.
I think its sad that they use the monkeys for tests. But then i think its ok because there isn`t yet another way to find cures or to see whats wrong with humans, but by testing on animals. I also think that if we test on animals we should be gentle and not treat them badly. The reason they are using monkeys is because this species is like one of the closet to humans and they sort of think like us. So if thier brains and bodies are sort of like ours, i think this is a smart idea. I mean i think it will really be dumb if we tested on humans because they it would be called human cruelty or " in humane". So thats the way i look at it. Monkeys are very special animals and i think we should respect them and treat them well, if we are going to do tests on them. Basically im on both sides on this situation.
Devin Powell
Period 4
There are two main perspectives concerning this topic, and each has its supporting viewpoints.
Some people agree with the idea of Social Darwinism, and believe that because we are the "dominant" species, that we have the right to experiment on other animals to discover new cures and treatments for diseases and disorders. In their defense, there have been instances where new advancements in certain fields (e.g. medicine) of science have benefited mankind by using animal--and even human--subjects. Experimentation on prisoners during the Holocaust lead to fascinating results that have improved science in many ways. Another important factor is that even though lives are being sacrificed, once the new knowledge of treatments and cures for diseases are discovered, the countless lives saved will by far outweigh the lives cost.
However, the other side to this argument is that animals shouldn't have experiments performed on them because it is unfair towards them. Many people who support this viewpoint believe that no progress is being made in science. They also think that, as a result, we are wasting time, money, and sacrificing lives in vain. They think that the animals are either being abused or not treated as well as they should be. Regarding the Holocaust experiments, they think that human lives (and those who survived but are mentally traumatized) were destroyed for only knowledge, and that nothing can replace a human life.
I cannot make a decision based on what I know, however if I were forced to choose I would support those in favor of not experimenting on animals. Although I am in favor of making medical advances, I don't believe that it should come at the cost of lives that will never be replaced. As time progresses, humans will eventually learn other methods of finding cures, treatments, and prevention methods for many diseases without paying the price of many lives.
I think this will be a horrible idea. I think that in this move will hurt the wildlife and the extermination of animals in a period of time. I think that Darwin's theory is a false theory knowing that its a huge part of evolution. I just think that's just plain wrong what there doing with these animals.
jesus ramirez
ok so im a lil on both sides with this one. killing ANIMALS is not kool....but if its to save lots of peopl im all for it ..but thats not it..for me its why? WHY? are you killing the cant just kill them for any cuer ..and it has to save A LOT of peopel
Michelle Burke
I'm not sure weather to say yes or no because I'm not sure how many lives these lesser species are saving or if the experriments are a waste of time. But if useing lesser speceis is going to be a major problem for most people then maybe we should find a new way to help sick people live longer in a different way. But then again that will be a waste of time to try and find a new way to help sick people.
ummmmmm i think this could potentially be a good idea, if they didn't only use monkeys because then some breeds might become distinct. But if using these experiments can help us cure many peoples lives then i think they should give it a shot. Also i think things like this can be easily stopped if they get a little bit out of hand.
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