CIUDAD JUÁREZ, Mexico — One sign of the desperation to end organized crime in this border town is that the good guy on the police recruitment posters is not a clean-cut youth in a smart police cap, but a menacing soldier in a black mask and helmet carrying a heavy machine gun.
The poster is the government’s answer to a different sort of sign left in late January at the bottom of a monument honoring fallen police officers: a hand-scrawled list of 22 officers, 5 of whom had already been gunned down in the street. The sign warned that the others would also be killed “unless they learn.” In all, eight police officers have been assassinated here this year and three are missing.
Even by the Wild West standards of this dusty desert town, where drug dealers have long smuggled their cargo across the Rio Grande and the unsolved killings of women drew international attention, the last three months have been a blood bath, officials say.
A turf war among drug cartels has claimed more than 210 lives in the first three months of this year. Many of those killed were young gunmen from out of town. The number of homicides this year is more than twice the total number of homicides for the same period last year. Several mass graves hiding 36 bodies in all have been discovered in the backyards of two houses owned by drug dealers.
At the height of the violence, around Easter, bodies were turning up every morning, at a rate of almost 12 a week. Desperate, the mayor and the governor of Chihuahua State asked the federal government to intervene.
“Neither the municipal government, nor the state government, is capable of taking on organized crime,” Mayor José Reyes Ferriz said in an interview.
So in late March, President Felipe Calderón sent in 2,026 soldiers and 425 federal agents. They continue to patrol in convoys of Humvees and pickup trucks. But even they are intimidated. None dare show their faces, wearing ski masks instead.
“The mortuary is full of more than 50 unclaimed and unidentified bodies, proof that the soldiers in the underworld war come from other states, the mayor said.
Information about who is fighting whom is hard to come by.
The local police chief, Guillermo Prieto Quintana, professed ignorance of the conflict, despite having been an officer here for 30 years. He acknowledged that the 1,600-member force was riddled with corrupt officers, a consequence, he said, of low pay and a lack of opportunity for advancement that led them to seek other sources of money. “As long as freelancing exists, this corruption is going to exist,” he said.
Since the late 1980s, drug smuggling in Ciudad Juárez has been controlled by a group known as the Juárez Cartel, led by Vincente Carrillo Fuentes since the death of his brother Amado in 1997.
The recent violence ripping apart Ciudad Juárez stems from a gang war between former allies. On one side is the Carrillo Fuentes family and its point man here, José Luis Ledezma, known as J. L. On the other are several traffickers based in Sinaloa State, chief among them Joaquín Guzmán, known as El Chapo, and Ismael Zambada, known as El Mayo, said a federal prosecutor, who, like some others interviewed, spoke on condition of anonymity for security reasons. Their uneasy alliance has been strained since one of the Carrillo Fuentes brothers, Rodolfo, was assassinated in September 2004, officials say. Mr. Guzmán is widely believed to have been behind the killing.
One theory holds that the tension reached a breaking point in December when Mr. Zambada refused to pay the Juárez Cartel a tax for smuggling drugs through its area.
Since then, Mr. Zambada and Mr. Guzmán have begun an offensive against the Juárez Cartel, and Mr. Ledezma, the local crime boss, has fought back fiercely, prosecutors and city officials said. “Mayo and Chapo’s people wanted to invade, and J. L. was not going to let them, and so the battles started,” the prosecutor said.
But a Mexican intelligence officer, also speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that since the assassination of Rodolfo Carrillo Fuentes, the Juárez Cartel has forged an alliance with the Gulf Cartel, led by the jailed kingpin Osiel Cárdenas Guillén and his lieutenants in Tamaulipas State, across the border from South Texas.
Over the last year, arrests and pressure from federal troops have weakened the Gulf Cartel. Sensing an opportunity, Mr. Zambada, Mr. Guzmán and other Sinoloa drug traffickers who had fallen out with the Carrillo Fuentes clan have tried to take over the town, the official said.
“What you have is one cartel that is leaving an open space, and it’s a takeover attempt by another,” the intelligence official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
John Riley, the special agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration office in El Paso, said the fighting in Ciudad Juárez stemmed from the same battle for territory among various Sinaloa traffickers, the old Carrillo Fuentes family and the Gulf Cartel that has shaken the entire country over the last two years, costing thousands of lives.
He added the alliances among various factions shifted constantly, creating a chaotic situation for law enforcement. “A lot of these lines have been blurred since the first of the year,” he said. “It’s extremely confusing.”
City officials said that before the recent gangland war, Mr. Ledezma had tried to establish himself as a gangster in the American sense, controlling extortion rackets, prostitution and gambling, as well as the cocaine traffic.
Officials say he has also recruited local street gangs like Los Aztecas as gunmen and drug distributors. The Gulf Cartel has brought in a corps of hired hit men, known as the Zetas.
Federal prosecutors and city officials say Mr. Ledezma has also infiltrated the local police department to an alarming degree. Most of the officers killed in the recent violence had links to drug dealers, prosecutors said.
For residents, the federal police and military patrols have brought a brief respite from the state of terror they have been living under. But in interviews several said they remained afraid to leave their homes at night or to let their children play outside as they did when they were young. Gunfire was a common sound after sunset, they said.
“Before, there was not much pressure on those who sell drugs, but with the army, things are changing,” Janeth Ponce, 21, a homemaker, said as she sat in the sun last Saturday in the central square. “Now one doesn’t feel so much fear, because there is more policing.”
But other residents said the federal intervention was only a temporary fix. The local police are outgunned, underpaid, prone to corruption and lack the authority to investigate drug dealers, they noted.
It has escaped no one’s attention that the federal authorities arrested nine city police officers in late March on charges of drug dealing, and the former police commissioner, Saulo Reyes, was arrested in El Paso in January, on charges of marijuana trafficking.
“The police were doing nothing,” said Janet Morales Castellanos, who was tending her father’s herbal store in the market last Saturday. “One can’t walk around here at night. I can’t take her to the parks at night or even to the movies,” she said, referring to her toddler daughter. “One stays at home.”
The mayor and the police commissioner, who took office last October, agree that the only long-term solution is to clean up the police department and to give police officers the legal power to investigate drug trafficking, which only federal officers have now.
To that end, they have toughened standards for recruits and are beginning to use a battery of tests to weed out drug addicts and others prone to corruption. They have bought 100 patrol cars and have permitted the officers to carry semiautomatic sidearms and machine guns, instead of service revolvers.
However, the force has changed little. Only about 30 officers have resigned or retired in the wake of federal arrests and the new tests. The first batch of 150 new recruits came out of the academy in January, but they entered a force where most officers either feared drug dealers too much to move against them or lived on their payroll.
“A municipal policeman knows everything but cannot act,” said Jaime Torres, the spokesman for the department.
Alyssa Grayson
6th period
Yes the U.S should assist in the cross-border war on drugs because i dont think the U.S wants all of the drugs coming here and causing more problems. Many people are being killed because of it which isnt exactly the best thing.
Mae Alvidera
pd 4
We should help out because it would help a little and drug dealing would lessen. However, in the article, it says that they've tried to increase the 'policing'/security, but it only stopped the drugging dealing for a short period of time. If America sends people over, it would be a waste of time and effort. Drug dealers have a way to get around things one way or another, “Neither the municipal government, nor the state government, is capable of taking on organized crime.”
Rebecca Johnson
Pd. 5
I think we should assist in controlling the crossing of druga across our border. America is always getting into other countries business, but this is going by without a glance? I believe that if we step in, then the illegal drug war will decrease. If we start to show the Mexicans that we WILL take action, then they will be afraid to continue with the war about the drugs.
Roger Gray
Period 2
I don’t think this is half our business and half not our business. The reason why I say so is because the drugs are coming in to America and we already have enough drug issues as it is. That means if the drugs come here we would have more violence and crimes are being done which can hurt our nation seriously. The reason why I think it none of our business is because many people could die.
Thomas tomko
3rd period
We can help but from our side only.
First, protect the other officers on the list.
If a gang creates a list of who they will kill it usually means they kill them because they are specifically targeted weak points in the police force.
In order for to get the names they would have had to:
1.Have a spy in the police ranks working with them.
2.Been stalking random officers which indicates that the officers are not trained enough to tell if somebody is watching/or stalking them, in which case they shouldn't be on the force in the first place.
So in this case we need to weed out the spy(s) or put the officers in more training.
We also need to stop the drugs from crossing the border.
The borders of Mexico need tighter security and we also need to patch up the holes in the border that the government has known about for years but still do not fix.
We need to disband these gangs and hit-men also and put them in jail.
Nicole McElfresh Pd 4.
In my opinion i think ANYTHING that involves us we should take part in. I mean but i could also see it the other way around why people wouldn't want the U.S to take part because we're already going through so much and we really don't need that extra stress. Reguardless though, they're in another country and choose to do whatever they want. So even if we do assist, by the time we get pulled out of there they might just go back to the original way they were.
I think this is insane what Mexico is doing and they really need to stop. I honestly don't know what else to say.
walter hueck
I believe that we should get involved. If it involves the U.S. then yes. All those drugs are coming to the U.S. and they're affecting us. It's good that they are stepping security on the border to stop this. They still have to keep the drug dealers on the other side. Mexico should also step their security up.
jullian sanchez
we should get involved because mexican drug dealers are smuggling drugs to the U.S. too easily. we need to buff up our security so they can fend off the dealers. this smuggling will cause mayhem for U.S. citizens and mexican citizens. the mexican security gaurds should also step up and try to prevent this from happening.
Vicmariel Colon
I really feel at a lost in this situation because the United States has a knack in getting involved in bad situations that we don't neccessarily have to be put in. But at the same time all the drugs that are being transported from city to city in Mexico will eventually make it's way to the States'. Also the killings are getting more and more barbaric as the days past! I definitely think that there needs to be higher levels of law enforcement involved. Whether it's United States law enforcement that needs to get involved is a whole other different story. :-\
Giovani J. Lopez
Period # 3
I think that the police officers of Untied States should take action. United States should put more security. I think that yes, they should help Ciudad Juarez in Mexico because we already have a lot of problems caused by drugs. If America helps Ciudad Juarez maybe the people from Mexico that are doing this are going to be like scare. Maybe they are going to become more responsables and that way is going to decrease the drugs. But America should help them just a little, because if thats happening in Ciudad Juarez that's not our problem. Is not a problem just for some people, is impacting a lot of people - in Mexico (Ciudad Juarez) and America. So my opinion is that America should help.
Wesley Hundley
I think that America should just get it over with and help stop the drug crime in Mexico. Because then its gonna end up even worse if nobody does anything about it. The longer we take the worse its gonna get. Plus those drug dealers could be linked to the ones here so it could probably help stop drugs here if we stop stop them at the source. All the leaders involved should be executed in Mexico to make sure that they can no longer cause any drug violence and we dont have to waste money locking them up here.
Daniel Amezquita
2nd Pd
Most Americans always complain, and make ignorant comments about the Mexican border and Mexican population. But when it comes down to it, hardly anything is ever accomplished. Such absurd ideas like building a wall that covers the whole Mexican border would be extremely costly, and would take over a decade to build. However events such as these give the U.S the perfect opportunity to step in. Instead of planning a decade long and money consuming 'solution.' The U.S should step in in places like these, where they won't only help solve the problem from it's root, but they will also help the innocent bystanders that live in these areas.
Fahren Rivera
Pd 1
I think that if America can help in the cross-border war on drugs and in no way be affected in a negative way than yes we should lend a helping hand. But if there could possibly be negative outcome than I don't think we should try and get involved simply because America isn't doing that hot right now to go get involved in any inconvenient dilemmas.
Kyle Snead
I believe that our country should help if they ask to help out. I believe that our Country gets into other Peoples business to much. So if Mexico needs us to help them out then I think we Should.but I also believe that we should because there are Peoples lives that are being taken awry because of it. Also People are in trouble because of it.
Tyler McCulley
Prd. 6
The US should not have to go fix another countries problems. The Mexican people should invest more of there money to pay the police better to not revolt on them. We as in America should tighten up our boarder in ways of searching cars, and actually make a full border across the mexican border. That is a drug trafficing area because it is an obviously easy area to smuggle across. We need to tighten up!!
Militza Rodriguez
I think we should have an army across the border to that no more drugs be coming in to the U.S because more people are dying because of drugs and thats less people in the world.
I think that we should probably step in and help out with this drug problem. I think that if we go that we could definetley control this problem going on there. With our technology and weapons i think we could take care of the situation or make them surrender and stop.
I think that we should probably step in and help out with this drug problem. I think that if we go that we could definetley control this problem going on there. With our technology and weapons i think we could take care of the situation or make them surrender and stop. --mason mcbroom
Gabriel Maldonado
4th period
In my opinion, America has a issue with not minding our business. We as Americans, should defend OUR borders from drugs. It is the responsibility of another countries government to actually control these dilemmas, with the resources and man-power the U.S. has, I'm sure we can establish a force of men to defend our borders from land,sea and air. OH WAIT! that's the coast guard. Perhaps it's time for them to add a new branch to the coast guard and amp up the drug confiscation and sending people to jail no matter who you are. Perhaps once we actually try to amp things up here, we should go into other countries.
tighten up the border, the US does not want drugs coming in.espically loads of them.
Alyssa Rivera
I find it hard to make a descion on whether we should get involved or not. It seems like we already have though, so I would say that we help out but try to lay low because we have so many other issues that deserve our attention at the same time. Getting involved with another problem may be getting ourselves into too much.
Maria Ortega
I think that we should help out and do something about this. I think we should help because many people are dying. They are dying because of drugs which is terrible. We should also help out because some of the drugs are coming into America. I also think we should help out because peole are scared of the drud dealers even the police. We should also help out so a least we can stop some of it. I think we can probably help out beacause we might have better tecnologhy than they do so can catch the people better.
Garrett Brough
period 2
I think that the mexicans need help to control thier drug problems. Now i'm sure that you have herd that the U.S. has had some drug problems in the past and even now but mexico it is worse. Hopefully the mexicans can figure it out by them selves because i think that the u.s. is busy right now. If the mexicans are succesful because then the u.s. will have less drugs that are illegal(like crake and pot).
Starsea Rodriguez
Prd: 3
I believe that yes America should assist in the cross border war on drugs. The fact that most of the drugs come in through Mexico by the Rio Grande really affects us in a serious way. Mexico may not be a part of the U.S. but it sure is a heck of very close neighbor. Being that close of a neighbor really affects the quantities of drugs coming into the United States. This means that we should help Mexico control these overloads of drugs coming in and the amount of deaths caused by them. In addition, if we let this case of drugs get any more out of hand than what it is, it will start to build up more and more of a bigger chain/empire of drugs being distributed.
Imani Walters
it all depends honestly because america shouldnt have the right to keep getting into other countries business but at the same time our country should keep resisting from drugs because if not it can cause later issues but whatever countries allow drugs thats there problem not ours. we have set rules for our country already.
Bryan Vargas
My opinion of this article is that we as a country should have a better control when it comes to our borders because all over the world people are crossing in with drugs and also there have been people like illegal emigrants coming in jumping over the border of the U.s> from Mexico or is Cubans trying to come in to Miami in a small boat filled with at least 10 to 40 people on it. The biggest problem that the United States have is the drugs that have been sneaked in without no one even noticing the drugs,thats why we should get a better patrol for the borders to protect this country. This country must have a better security just for the reason that we wont get another terrorist attack in the United States like we did in 9/11.
Devin Decomo
period 2
i think that we should help out beccause their bringing millions of dollars into the u.s. its basically killing our people and supporting their addictions.
emily barnard
period 4
i think that it is an importan t situation for us bccuz its on the edge of our border.
if we dont do anything then were gonna have more drugs coming in to the u.s. and we aready have drug dealers here
we dont need anymore
Michael Toribio
Period 6
This argument could go both ways with me. I think the u.s. should do anything possible to protect their country so if this is affecting us then the us should be in it.
Although if It is not doing any harm to the us i think they shouldnt get involved.
Amanda Fanfan
well the U.S gets into every thing but sometimes they do to help thier own countryand sometimes just to do it because they feel its the right thing to do in this case I think they should let things fall were they may don't try to change whats already going on.
Javier Suarez
I do believe that we should get involved with this problem "when we can." Drugs are probably one of the top causes in crimes in the United States. If all of the drugs are coming in to our country, imagine what the crime rates are in the areas in which the drugs come through. Those people get their hands first on those drugs and possibly cheaper too.
anthony jattan
period 1
i think that the united states should help out, but only if the mexican government wants us to. because if they dont want us to then it doesnt make such sense to go help them when we have some of the same problems in our own country.
Derrek Bost
I think America should help with the drug wars going on in Mexico. We are having a rough time with our economy, but the drugs are crossing the border. Also innocent people are living in fear. America does not like that. so we need to send some men into Ciudad Juarez,Mexico to stop the drug war going on and to stop the cocaine business before it gets way out of their and our hands.
period 2
I believe that America should assist in stopping drugs from coming into America. Since most of the drugs come in through Mexico by the Rio Grande we should be able to try and stop where they come in on the border. We should be able to help Mexico control these drugs coming in because of the amount of deaths caused by them.
Nick Redmond
Period 6th
Yes i think we should go across the bored to stop drugs from coming in. Then it will make our nation a better place.Also we could see who is wanted in other nations. So then if we find them we can sind them to jail in that country.
I think the US doesn't need to help anyone right now. We have more to worry about. Militarily, we cannont support them because we are active in two wars and we also have to protect our own home front. Therefore, our military has run low. So obviously, we dont have enough military to spread around. We also can't support them financially either, because our economy is so bad and we need to fix that before we do anything else.
christian rozo
i think we should get involved but we shouldent send to much people if we do then i think there just going to find a other wat to get it throw we have this type of problems always and dont think it is a big deal but we should help cause is not a good thing to let drugs in so easy
Tanner Garbutt pd.1
yes i think we should help out with the drug wars, it would definatly control all the illegal drugs going into America. if we want to help though we shouldn't devote all of our soliders because we have our own wars to worry about.
I dont believe we should step in another countrys buisness for many reasons. One is because what goes on in another country has nothing to do with us unless finacially they cant take care of it there selves. We should only step in when its to the point of disaster in that country. That the one and only time we should at least put fourth some effort to stop the crime in that country. Also in that country there should a lot of security on who is a police officer or who's a criminal.
katie mchale
i think we should help with the drug problems. because we wouldnt want them to be smuggling it into the united states and selling it here, and the high death toll is another reason we should help. It couldnt get any worse it could oly get better.
i feel two ways about this hole thing. i feel like we sould not help because its not harming us but if we dont help it will and also nobody els will. i meen i think its sick what people would do just for some cash. i say because people are dying...but no becaues i feel we should fix the u.s. first then go out an help who we can...
im on both side yes and no ..yes because no one els will help if we dont but then agen like alway ITS NOT OUR BUSINISS but the u.s. cant help because i feel we have things we have to fix here in the u.s. ... its like i always say...(you cant help others untill you help youself)
Amanda Figueroa
Period 5
I think we should be helping out on the border drug problem.Its comings into our country so why wouldnt we try to stop it.Boders patrols need to step and stop this people there are so many problems due to drugs coming in our econmoy is bad enough we dont need to make it worse by having fights over drugs.So yes we need to assist.
Amanda Lund
pd. 2
I think the US doesn't need to help anyone right now. We have more to worry about. Militarily, we cannont support them because we are active in two wars and we also have to protect our own home front. Therefore, our military has run low. So obviously, we dont have enough military to spread around. We also can't support them financially either, because our economy is so bad and we need to fix that before we do anything else.
im on both side yes and no ..yes because no one els will help if we dont but then agen like alway ITS NOT OUR BUSINISS but the u.s. cant help because i feel we have things we have to fix here in the u.s. ... its like i always say...(you cant help others untill you help youself)
Michael Castilloveitia
Period 3
Yes, i do think we should put an assist to the drug jumping.We are letting people into our country with drugs wich is just causing more problems for us.So why wouldnt we try and stop it this is our counrty so it would be our problem to stop it.
Amanda Clayton
pd. 2
I think that the U.S. should step in and try the best they can to handle/overcome this situation, but only if it concerns them, and in this case it does.People getting killed over things that eventually WILL KILL you (if you use them), is retarded because why are going to get killed over something that already can kill you (if used that is). But eventually it will come into the United States and then we will have to do something about it in order to protect the people.
yari de jesus
period 4
Yes i do believe we should stop the drugs from coming in because if it is coming into the use it is our problem. and what are we going to do just forget about the drugs coming into the U.S.
Gabriel de la Cruz
period 4
I for one believe that we should stop the drugs because then it will get out on the streets and ruin our economy. next this is America we should help Mexico in what it is doing to stop the drugs. also think about the children what if the drugs reach them.
Devin Powell
Period 4
My personal opinion concerning this matter is that yes, Americans should become more involved in the Mexican drug war...but not inside Mexico itself. Americans deal with issues that do not involve the United States directly, and that is something Americans need to stop. However, this problem does involve the United States, so Americans should help to a degree. Americans should monitor the borders more stringently to ensure that nothing illegal is passing through the country. This doesn't mean Americans should neglect Mexico itself, but the Mexican government should learn to deal with their complications themselves. Simply stated, we should monitor the borders, not Mexico.
Lina Habeych
I think we should help out so decrease the drugs going around over there.Those people can go to other places nad cause trouble there. Then there will be more places that need help. If we help them they can decrease it to the put a stop to it.The U.S might help before it gets out of control. so i think it would be a good idea(:
Amanda Lund
pd. 2
I think the US doesn't need to help anyone right now. We have more to worry about. Militarily, we cannont support them because we are active in two wars and we also have to protect our own home front. Therefore, our military has run low. So obviously, we dont have enough military to spread around. We also can't support them financially either, because our economy is so bad and we need to fix that before we do anything else.
jonathan cardona
i think that we should. beacuse we want to stop drugs from coming over here. we cant stop all durgs so we could get some of it. if the drugs are coming from the border we should help the border out and stop duge from crossing. we could put the dogs that sense druges at the borders to break down on drug smuggleing. se could put more watch towers so we could stop immegrants from coming to the U S with all the drugs.
Valeria Moctezuma
Period 3
Yes i think America should assist in the cross border war on drugs because these drugs are coming into our country.
We are letting people into the US with outside drugs from Mexico which means people in the US are going to pay the people from Mexico for the drugs.
Then this doesn't help our economy at all because they are taking our money. Also, many people are getting killed because of the wars & drugs.
Kiana Chan
pd 4
I think the US is kind of already involved since drugs have been
entered into US territory. But instead helping would probably lessen the chance of causing more drug issues. I dont't know why but even though the US always tries to but in on other problems i think this one would be as much concern to our country than to theirs. I also think that the officers resigning should be ashamed of fearing drug dealers, for isn't that thier job??
Michelle Burke
Pd. 6
Yes we should keep an eye on cross border and assist because these drugs can end up harming everyone so this makes it our bussiness and our right, so any how these people have a problem with it they just need to deal with it becaues our saftey comes first and if they were us they would want the same thing too.
Natasha sheomangal blk6
I think that we should keep an eye on the cross border for drugs because if they import new drugs and it starts to sell here in america then more money will be waisted and more people, students, and children will die and get sick from using those never know if the drugs might be used to make bombs, or murder weapons like in guns and stuff.I think that we should stop the people who are growing or selling these drug products and having people send them over to the americas and all over the world. I mean if they need money why cant they just make up a new job or find a new job or something make their life more safe and helpful to the earth and environment. thats what i seriously think. latas
Mallory Shephard
Period 4
I think that america should assist on the cross border becausemexico is part of the united states and illegal immagrants that cross the border can be sending the drugs that we are trying to take out. Also it is so sad how people are being killed that are not part of this so called gang. Its also shocking that police and some judges are part of this. If this keeps occuring the countries that are part of this are going to need our help to stop this because they dont understand that its not right what they are doing for just drugs. And i thing we need to be assisting anyways because mexico is really close to us and they can be kiling our people and they can be having people join and we need to stop those who are.
Uniquia Jones
Well i am on both sides because i think America should assist because drugs can get over here also and that is making America look bad. But i also think america shouldnt step in because if it is dealing with another country then it really isnt nun of your business. But i can see why america would
Mary Ann Woodyard period 6
I think America should go on the border to stop drugs from coming in because its illegal and we shouldn't have it here .
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