A chain link fence. Prior to the 20th century, there was no "juvenile justice system" in the United States. The initial purpose of juvenile courts was to treat or rehabilitate juvenile offenders. Now, the emphasis has shifted to punishment, with many courts seek to hold juvenile offenders accountable for their actions. [PhotoDisc]
A 15-year-old boy rapes and kills a 14-year-old girl. How should society handle this teenager? Focusing exclusively on the behavior, many states put convicted murderers to death for their actions. But this case is different. Why? Because the offender is a minor or juvenile; that is, he has not reached the age at which society considers him an adult. In the United States, we have created a separate system to deal with juvenile offenders, youths under a specified age who are accused of committing an act that violates the law. Society recognizes the harm caused by the actions of the youth described above, but also distinguishes between the behavior of adults and children. Nevertheless, the way in which the justice system would handle the 15-year-old varies significantly depending on the historical period in which he committed the act. Over the past few hundred years, our approach to juvenile justice has changed dramatically.Juvenile justice as we know it today is a relatively recent institution. Prior to the 20th century, there was no "juvenile justice system." As a result, deviant youth were handled in the same manner as adult criminals, and often detained in the same facilities. English common law held that children under the age of seven years old could not be punished for their behavior because they were unable to form criminal intent. Children between the ages of seven and 14 could be held responsible for their behavior, but their age could be used to justify a reduced punishment. Historically, children as young as 14 or 15 were considered adults and were frequently subject to brutal corporal punishment and extended periods of confinement.

In England, the Latin concept parens patriae (state as parent) was used by kings to exercise their control over others, particularly children, in their kingdom. In the United States, state authorities have used parens patriae as justification to intervene in the lives of families to protect children who are not being protected by their parents. Delinquency is taken as a sign that parents are failing to control their children and therefore the state must step in as surrogate parent.
In the mid-1900s, there came the realization that the juvenile court had failed to live up to its promise. Many children were being detained for extended periods for relatively minor offenses. For example, in 1964, Gerald Gault, a 15-year-old from Arizona, was sentenced to six years at a state training school for making a prank phone call. The same offense committed by an adult carried a maximum sentence of two months in prison and a $50 fine. The United States Supreme Court reviewed the Gault case and found that his constitutional rights had been violated. The decision established that due process rights must be provided in delinquency adjudication hearings. That is, children who face the possibility of confinement have many of the same constitutional rights as adults during adjudication (right to assistance of counsel, protection against self-incrimination, right to confront accusers, etc.). The Gault decision is arguably the most important Supreme Court decision ever rendered concerning juvenile justice, because it reshaped the juvenile system into one that is effectively very similar in look and feel to the adult system.

Honestly, i think that if they committed the crime in the first place they should know what they did wrong and shouldn't be babied anymore. They should be tried as adults, they surely do deserve it. If a 14 yr old boy rapes a 10 yr old girl, he apparently knows what he did was wrong and should suffer the consequences. In my opinion age is just a number with really no meaning behind it. Some people are really young, yet extreamely mature. Some other ways around.
To me, it should be about the way you act, not about your age.
Fahren Rivera
Pd 1
I don't think that juveniles should be tried as adults because at such ages the mind has not fully developed into a mature mental state. Say a juvenile does commit such crimes I believe that yes they should be held accountable but not sent to a jail like facility. I think that they should be put in more of a rehabilitation type of facility. So that they can be treated and have much needed counseling. Young adults do make mistakes and I don't think that they should have to be penalized for the rest of there lives for an immature wrong choice.
Mae Alvidera
Pd 4th
I think the age of being tried as an adult should stay the way it is. It’s only fair, but they should definitely be highly punished for doing an extreme crime. In my opinion, I think they should send kids, who do adult crimes and are minors, to juvenile hall. They should stay there until the adult age, and then they should be judged once more. They could either be sent to prison or be let out; it would depend on the judge and probably on their behavior.
Thomas tomko
3rd period
If juvenile court is in fact a mirror image of adult court then there is no reason to have a 2 courts.
The criminal justice system is already flawed like many other systems in human society.
Someone can be put in jail on the basis of ''innocent until proven guilty''
What if someone is proven guilty but in reality is innocent?
The evidence leading to the conclusion of guilt could have been easily manipulated by false logic. There are some situations where real evidence could be presented but the interpretation of the evidence in the situation is false.
"For example, in 1964, Gerald Gault, a 15-year-old from Arizona, was sentenced to six years at a state training school for making a prank phone call. The same offense committed by an adult carried a maximum sentence of two months in prison and a $50 fine."
The sentence given should be of one that makes logical sense in accordance to the crime committed.
A 15 year old getting 6 years of 'training school' while an adult that commits the exact same crime gets 2 months time and a small fine to pay makes no logical or even common sense.
The punishment should reflect the severity of the crime regardless of age.
Whitney Gordon
Pd. 4
I think that juveniles should be tried as adult if they have committed a horrible crime, like rape or killing someone else. That’s not fair if an adult gets put to death for killing someone, and a child has done the same thing but they have not as harsh punishment. I think an appropriate age to start be tried as an adult is 18, because that’s the age when you are able to vote and you are considered as an adult. I do also think that the juveniles should have a harsher punishment then before depending on their crime.
Alyssa Grayson
5th period
Quite frankly If he committed adultery then he should indeed be charged as an adult. With times how they are anyone in the U.S should know right from wrong. Murder is a big deal and so is rape. I don't think there should be an age on when they are trilled as adults. They should pay for their consequences no matter the age.
Giovanni J. Lopez
3rd Period
Well, I think that it doesnt matter the age. Every one (kid or an adult) should have th same consequences. But about the age, I think that kids from 14 and under shouldn't be punish as one from 18. Because a kid from 14 yrs. old or under doesnt have the same mentality as one from 15 years old - 18 years old. But if is 15-18 then they should treat them as an adult because they know what they did and why they did it.
Alexander Perryman
Period: 4
I think that juveniles should be tried based on the savritiy of the crime. If an adult commits rape pr murder they are usually get life or the death penalty. For the young man that commited this crime I think that he should be tried as an adult. The age that I think is appropriate for a child to be tried as an adult should be 18 yrs. old. Then again he ahould be charged based on the savarity of the crime. I personal think that juveniles who commite awful crimes do it when they are younger so they dont have to be tried as an adult.
Tyler McCulley
Prd. 6
I think the age where kid become shown as an adult should be 14. By that age is when kids are fully aware of what is right and what is wrong. Some claim that that is much to young of an age well it isn't. If you look back to when you as a kid about 12 years old you knew that murdering or raping or anything else of that nature was completely wrong. The severity of the case should also determine wether you are trialed as an adult or chid. In this article for instance there was a kid with a 7 year sentence for a prank phone call thats just not right. He should been trialed as a child
Michelle Burke
Yes, I agree kids under the age of 18 who commits such a crime as rapeing and killing another human should receive a harsh punishment like an adult. All these people under the age of 18 know the way how there acting is wrong but because they don't have a strong punishment they continue to act the same violent ways not giving a crap about anyone but themselves and their needs, so I say lock them up and this will be their wake up call. These kids should know right from wrong thier not dumb. these under age kids act grown, disobeying laws and disrespecting people that are older than them. No one is asking to be raped or murdered.So, no matter what the age everyone who rape or murder innocent people should get the same punishment.
Valeria Moctezuma
Period 3
I do not think juveniles should be tried as adults because younger people have a different mentality. Of course they should know what they did was completely wrong, but they were most likely not thinking about it at the time. Adults would know what thay are doing and have more common sense. It all depends on the crime though. They should give each crime a specific punishment and the correct one. If i heard of a 15 year old raping and killing a 14 year old, everyone should know that he knew what he was doing and give him a reasonable punishment/life. But if he were to rob a walmart then it owuld be much different. It all depends on the crime.
Alyssa Samonte
I dont think their should be a age on crime. If the accused knows right from wrong then why not? If their not in a right state of mind then no.I think that there should be a series of test to tell weather there aware of there actions.if this was an accdent then i dont think it should be treated harshly,but no i have no certain age i would withhold in adult court.
Michelle Burke
Yes, I agree kids under the age of 18 who commits such a crime as rapeing and killing another human should receive a harsh punishment like an adult. All these people under the age of 18 know the way how there acting is wrong but because they don't have a strong punishment they continue to act the same violent ways not giving a crap about anyone but themselves and their needs, so I say lock them up and this will be their wake up call. These kids should know right from wrong thier not dumb. these under age kids act grown, disobeying laws and disrespecting people that are older than them. No one is asking to be raped or murdered.So, no matter what the age everyone who rape or murder innocent people should get the same punishment.
Derrek Bost
Period 4
My personal opinion on this subject is that this young man should be sent to an adult court. I think that kids that do crimes like this should be tried like an adult. If a kid does something bad, but not as bad as this one,should be sentenced as a juvenile. i think the age should stay the same, but the kids that do really bad things like rape,murder, and other bad things should go to an adult court. But that is my opinion.
Roger Gray
Period 2
Ok i think juveniles should be tried based on the sevritiy of the crime. Depending on what they did thats what they should be tried by. Sometimes we have to take to consideration the intesity of the crime and how old they are. Because lets say there are a five year old who kills his dad because of a rated R movie and someone comes back to life. BUt if a 20 year old accidently kills someone its a major crime. So to the major extent the age could matter and will matter and should always be taken inot deep consideration.
Mallory Shephard
Period 4
As me being a teen myself, I think us teens should be punished for our actions. So my answer is yes, juveniles should be treated as adults! But i think there should be a limit to this. If the teen is guilty for killing or raping someone they should either stay in jail for about 10 years , but i dont think they should be killed too. The only way i think they should be killed is if they are eighteen and out of highschool and they already had a criminal record.
Many people think teens should be treated softer but I think we know whats right from wrong already. We know that raping,killing, sttealing or what ever it is, is wrong. So why do we do and why do even grown aldults do it? This is a hard question because people make mistakes or they say that its a mistake, and then they feel bad for what they did. I just dont understand this. Many teens are also in gangs that involve drugs, and killing. These teens, I think should get the harder punishment.
Over all i think the right age for being considered an adult is 18 because i just think its the best age and they should really know better by then. But if they did the crime when they were younger they should just serve a long time in juvie til they reach the right age.
Kaia Jennings p. 6
For me, this subject isn't hard at all. I don't care what age you are. Wrong is wrong. Right is right. As long as I can remember I've always known right from wrong. I've known killing is wrong, Raping is wrong. Any crime is wrong. It shouldn't matter your age. If anyone kills, or rapes, they should have to pay the consequence that is in store for them. They should be tried as an adult. I strongly believe in this because its wrong. He knew he was hurting a 14 year old girl. He made those choices, he should be held accountable for his actions. So yes, these types of crimes should have the same consequences for children as they do adults.
kyle snead
per 2
What I believe is that kids should be tried as an adult. But if the juevinile commited a horrible crime than he should, because it wouldnotbe fare to other criminals, and the victims family that if he killed someone that he/she did not set Put in Jail for the rest of their life for killing Someone. Lastly when they setout they can be naturally crazy and doit again to another Person, Even though this time they will be tried as an adult.
Becca Johnson
Pd. 5
I agree with what most people said on here. That kid that raped that girl should be tried as an adult. It doesn't matter what age he is, he RAPED a girl. It's amazing to me that the judicial court has for punishment for that particular crime. Murder and rape are in the same family as long as I am concerned. If someone in our judicial system sees a problem with sending a 15-year old boy to jail because he raped a girl then that person needs a reality check. There are consequences for every action.
justin preston
3rd period
he did the crime he should do the time. okay he is a teenager so what. i think that he should be tried as an adult. what he did was very wrong and he does not deserve to get away with it.if an adult does it and gets life sentence then it would only be fair to give the boy the same time.
Shanise Green
Period 1
I think that this is just wrong!!!I think at this time in their lives its a critcal age.That alot of them aren't even fully matured yet.You never know what is going on in their lives that cause them to act in these violent ways. Until the age of 18 they shouldn't be charged as an adult.This is really a touchy subject and should be taken into consideration....
I believe that there shouldn't be an age limit on juveniles. I think this way because that in our society today, us a individuals come to an age limit of about 7 or 8 years old that they should know right from wrong and that if they are willing to make the choice of doing something thats going to put them behind bars that they should deal with the consequence instead of getting a free ride because of there age.
Wesley Hundley
I think that juveniles should be tried as an adult at the age of 15. Because once your 15 I'm pretty sure you know the difference between right and wrong. Especially when its' a serious crime like murder,rape, or stealing thousands of dollars. Although I think that each serious case should be checked before they do anything because lots of teens can be peer pressured into doing something and those people should be punished also.
Jeslyn Camacho
pd 6
I think that he should be charged. Not just him but everybody that commits a crime. The age doesnt matter when you kill people. But i also think that kids from under the age of 14 shouldnt be treated as adults. There like to young to be in such a bad position.
Militza Rodriguez
I think kids at that age of 14 or 15 should got to one kind of shool that really trained them how to behave,because if this is gonna happened mostly all the time they should do something about it because it they dont do nothing they are gonna keep doing it and not have a punishment for it and it hurts for people that suffer for their childrens.
Mercedes Penaroque
Period 2
I think that there should be a limit to what types of crimes commited should be considered adult trield crimes or teens trield crimes. I think that if they commit a crime that is really severe then they should be trield as an adult. I think that they need to look at how many times the child has been in trouble. He should be questioned about his home life and see how stable he is. If you were to commit a crime that was really severe then you should be tried as an adult. But if it wasnt as severe then he shouldnt be tried as an adult. However, i dont think any kid should be tried as an adult until they're 18. Kids who are so young do not know exactly what they are doing, their parents have probably not even taught them about sex and those sorts of things. I know kids my age who do not know much about it. And so thats why i think kids shouldnt be tried as an adult.
Maria Ortega
I think that kids under the age of 18 years old should be charged as an adult only if they commit a really bad crime such as murder. And by the age of like 10 or even younger you already know the difference between wrong and right so you should be charged as an adult. And by the age of 15 which the kid is you should already know that its wrong to kill and rape i think the kid knew that very good.So he should knew that there are consequences and get them as an adult cause technology he already is one.
no i dont think its right to try a child as an adult. they are kids they dont know what there doing.
Devin Decomo
period 2
Garrett Brough
period 2
I think that this 15 year old should be tried as an adult because he commeted not just one but two capital crimes. The age that I would think is right is the age to get tried as an adult is when the person is old enough to get their drivers licenes in the state that person lives in. The reason why I say that is because a drivers licenes says that your responsible for your own actions. If a minor commits a capital crime like this 15 year old then they should be tried an adult not a minor (or juvenile).
This is a very tough situation and one of the most crazyiest blogspots ever. I do think that if you do the crime you should pay the price. But in this case he is younger and this might have a bigger effect on a child in a federal prison on life inprisonment. But since children are getting worse I think they believe that going to juvy is alittle less than nothing. So that why I think that they are doing the crime thinking that it's not that big of a deal so I think that the kids that do crimes worth getting life in prison should get life in prison.
joe haddad
yes, JUVENILES should be tried as an adult. If you dont what makes think that there not going to kill someone else once agian. Obvisouly they are aware of what they did, because they had to think this through. If you can master that tham there is no other choice but to try him/her as an adult. On the other hand if it a simple infraction than No dont try them as an adult, but if you rape and kill someone than yes no question about it.
Javier Suarez
I believe that murder and even rape itself is a bad enough crime for a minor to be charged for as an adult. If you look at kids now these days they're much bigger than adults at quite a young age. I'm pretty sure that a 15 year old is mature enough to make smart decisions without his/her guardians. I believe that this kid should be charged as an adult just for simply commiting murder.
Bryan Vargas
I think that teenagers under 18 should be acussed as adults but it depends on how severe the crime he\she have done. Also think when things like this happen we should just let the government decide if he\she should be charged as an adult depending of the crime. In my opinion is that when people do very bad thing shuold be put to jail no matter what age they have.
nicolas mees
i think that only the crimes that deal with murders and afecting other peoples well being should be trield at the age of 14,but if it is involving anything otherwise that the age should remain 18.
Jonathan Alvarado
Perod 3
I think that as long as they can prove he is really guilty, he should be punished like an adult because the crime he commited was a really bad one. He didn't rob a store or steal a car, he raped and killed a girl. I would understand if he killed someone by defending himself, but their is no reason for him to rape and kill a girl.
Lina Habeych
I think that the crime the person has commited should determine if they are charged as an adult rather than the age.If it's a kid who is 15 and is stealing he shouldnt be charged as an adult because he didn't harm anyone and it wasnt anything big. Now if it was something more serious like killing someone as that kid meantioned in the article then he should be tried as an adult. Reason being is he raped and killed a 14-year-old girl. Why would a 15-year-old kid be raping and killing someone? If they really want to do that then they should be getting punished. Now if he was tried for an adult and he would have to serve 10 years then i think that's a little crazy for a 15-year-old even though he did kill someone. Basically i think te crime not the age should determine wether he/she is charged as an adult.
this teen deserves to be tried as an adult.he made a bad move and should pay the consequence.i think if teenagers are the age of 14 and older they already know how bad a certain crime really is and if some choose not to think twice then a bad cost will be the effect.
arash akbari pd3
imani walters
i dont think juveniles should be tried as adults i mean to be honest yes we have responsibilities and make our own actions but its not right we're too young than again it all depends on what the person did i mean kids are kids and no matter what we get consiquences for our actions but theres a certain limit i feel needs to have a line drawn.
I think he should be tried as adult because he committed an adult crime.He knew exactly what he was doing and he knew how wrong it was. this would be different if it was a crime of a less caliber and he honestly didn't know it was wrong. Also rape isn't the only thing u still have to deal with the murder. He took the life of a person so he deserves to be dealt with in an adult matter.
Tanner Banks PD.4
Emily Barnard
pd 4 =)
okk i think that its dumb to lower the adult age. if a kid between the ages 13-17 does an adult crime, their old enough to know wat that is. so they should get charged for an adult crime. just because the 14 year old is a minor doesnt mean he should get less punishment then he deserves. he understands wat he did nd how are the girls parents gonna feel about that.? if hes gonna start complaining that hes a minor then he shouldnt have done an adult crime.
i think the adult age is perfectly fine were its at nd that the government needs ta stop trying to change the laws everytime they get in a tough situation nd have ta think a little. =D
tanner garbutt
i do think that minors should be charged with the same offense as an adult because, obviosuly if you were proven guilty meaning that you comitted that crime, you knew what you were doing! i think the consequences should revolve around how serious the crime you were convicted of. no matter what the age.
Starsea Rodriguez
Prd: 3
I believe that the court system on how juveniles and adults are punished is fine how it is right now. Although, there are some things that I don't agree with. When someone does something bad I am sure that 65% or more new what they were doing. Younger people have the ability to do something without over thinking it through. Which this leads me to my point that I think adults and juveniles should be punished accordingly to their age and their actions.
Chris Jones
Pd. 1
I think that juveniles shouldn't be tried as adults. I think that because there mental state hasn't reached the mature state. Don't get me wrong though I still think they should be accountable for what they have done but not sent to jail for it. I think that age should determine the punishment due to their mental maturity state. I think that the age appropriate is 18 because by that time the person most likely has matured.
Alex Serna
Period 4.
No I do not believe that juveniles should be tried as adults due to multiple reasons. First, I'll start by saying I think the proper age at which a juvenile should be tried as an adult is 17. 17 is the real turning point of becoming an adult. A 17 year old makes choices for himself/herself, drives, works, and could possibly be living in their own house and paying their own bills. A kid under the age of 17 should not be tried as an adult because they simply aren't an adult so it makes sense not to try them as an adult. Also, I think kids deserve a second chance especially if they commit a fellony at a young age. I believe that because you cant lock them up for life or kill them since they aren't fully developed into the adult stage.
Nick Redmond
Period 6th
I think that kids that killed someone or did a horrible act should be put into juvenile dentition center until they are 16. So then they are a little older and if they don't want to be with the big guys they should not of done the crime. Also if they kill someone they should go straight to death row.
Danny Amezquita
2nd Period
In my opinion, juvenile delinquents should be tried depending on the severity and circumstances of the crime committed. A 15 year old teenager who killed and raped a 14 year old girl should definitely be tried as an adult. However, a lesser crime should not be punished so severely.
Amanda Lund
prd. 2
I do not think that trying a child as an adult is wrong. Children 13 and older, should have a sense of right and wrong. Dont ya think that a 15 year old murderer knows what he did wrong? This boy wanted to act like an adult and commit an adult act, then he should pay the consequences like an adult for his horrible actions. I don't think our youth realize how final death is, and they think that because they are minors, they will get a slap on the hand and it will be over, but there actions will stay with them forever.
Desiree Reid
Period 4
Part of me believe that the teenager should be charged as an adult and the other part doesn't believe so. Even though he is 15 years old he should know right from wrong by now but maybe he was put up for it, who knows. In general, this boy did commit rape and crime therefore, he should get a special punishment.
Personally, I think if a minor that commits a crime that is questionable for being tried as an adult, it should be. They knew what they were doing and what could happen if they did it . Sadly they sometimes people don't realize their mistake until it's too late, yes it might not seem fair to them but it serves them right for what they did, they need to be responsible and take the responsibility for their actions.
Amanda Clayton
christian rozo
prd 5
i think he should be tried as adult cuase look at what he did he raper and murder her it think he should be charged as an adult it doesnt matter the age beside if your younnger the ten but obve that i think the now what there doing there old to now whats wrong from right they should fully charge him as an adult cause he now what he didi wa wrong
Devin Powell
Period 4
I believe that the juvenile court system should remain as is for the most part. Although I'm not aware of what is involved in the collection of this fact, I know that there are certain aspects of maturity that have been proven to show only in adults, such as decision making. However, I feel that exceptions should be made for certain individuals. For example, if a child or teenager has a long history of crimes committed and they have performed multiple serious crimes, then they should be tried as adults. However, if there is no criminal history, then serving trial as a child might get good results the first time a child is punished.
Jose Cardona
Period: 5th
I think that it is a good thing that laws to protect juveniles who have broken a law have changed. Before they were harshly punished for simple crimes such as making a prank phone call. I think the boy needs to be more closely looked at. He could need psychiatric help. I think that he should go through a series of tests while in an institution. That way he can be watched by psychologist; and they can determine what kind of life he has at home. And maybe help find the reasonings as to why he had done this. I don't think he should be sentenced to death. I don't think it is ok at any age for the death pently. I think sitting in a jail cell, and having to relive the reasons as to why you are behind bars, and having to deal with the conditions in a jail is much more punishment than by killing them to put them out of their misery.
Kiana Chan
"You reap what you sew".. ( a man harvests what he plants and gets what he deserves) as for me this juvenile has the mentality to know that what he did was wrong and should HAVE to pay the consequence...imagine if it was your loved one, or would want that person to know what it felt like for your daughter to be raped and murdered. The punishment should fit the crime. He was aware of the consequences and deserves the same punishment as anyone else.
MIchael Sipe
Period 5
I think in some respects that they should because first of all some have had parents to tell them what is right and what is wrong and others have notso in some cases i would say yes and in others no. i guess what it all boils down to is the crime itself and how bad its is. and thats all i have to say about that.
Melvin Ramos
i believe that the 15 yr old should not be triald as an adult. its true that at the age of 15 the mind is fully capable of knowing what concequences he could face, however he does not fully understand the concequences. knowing the concequences is one thing understanding it is another. teens should only be triald as an adult at the age of 18 due to the fact the teen has a more mature look at the concequences and understands them.
Mary Ann Woodyard P6
I think yeah they should trial the 15 year old as an adult he should already know whats right from wrong .And understand that there is consequences for his mistakes .
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