To what extent should the right to bear arms be restricted?

Gun Rights or Gun Control?
The history of gun rights in this country is a history of laws. The right to own guns is the subject of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. For nearly a century, both gun rights and gun control advocates have battled back and forth over restrictions on the types of guns a citizen can own, and who can own them. However, the issue always returns to a broader discussion of civil liberties: whether a right guaranteed to American citizens can be abridged or even denied under any circumstances.At first glance, these images seem very different, but look closer. They have something in common. What we see are two American militias. On one side, we see an illustration of a colonial militia of the American Revolution. American general John Stark is depicted leading troops against the British at the Battle of Bennington in 1777. In the modern photo, we see the South Michigan Regional Militia Wolverines, a private nationalist paramilitary group.
These images show some of the more difficult aspects of gun rights in this country. When the Bill of Rights was added to the U.S. Constitution in 1791, the Second Amendment guaranteed citizens the "right to bear arms." The young country had no army. Instead, citizens served in temporary militias. They needed guns to carry out their duties. But today, the U.S. has a professional military. The Michigan Militiamen in the photo carry guns because they choose to do so. The context for gun ownership has changed considerably in 200 years. The question is, should the right to bear arms change with the times or is it a right that must remain unchanged forever?
These images show some of the more difficult aspects of gun rights in this country. When the Bill of Rights was added to the U.S. Constitution in 1791, the Second Amendment guaranteed citizens the "right to bear arms." The young country had no army. Instead, citizens served in temporary militias. They needed guns to carry out their duties. But today, the U.S. has a professional military. The Michigan Militiamen in the photo carry guns because they choose to do so. The context for gun ownership has changed considerably in 200 years. The question is, should the right to bear arms change with the times or is it a right that must remain unchanged forever?
Nicole M
It should change! People are crazy especially the ones that own a gun. I mean, some people use them for saftey or for battle which is one thing. but many others use guns for all of the wrong reasons. it's scary. it honestly is. in my opinion you should have to take a very legal, long test to determine if you can get your gun license & what it will be used for. then YOU can use your gun & only you. like if your friend was using it or wanting to borrow it & your friend got caught both of you will be sent to jail. unless he has a gun license.
thats how I think it should be. but i don't really know all that much about guns besides the fact that they can kill people.
Mae Alvidera
pd 4
In my opinion, the ONLY people that should have the right to bear arms are the people who are in the special forces(navy, military, police officials, etc). These people are out there trying to protect their country’s people from harm, so I think they have a right. If you go to any regular store, you can buy a gun for about $20 and bullets for $5. With that, ANYONE can buy a gun and cause so much harm. I think gun control and gun rights go hand in hand. You must know how to control the gun and yourself, and have a really good reason to have the right to have a gun.
"Guns dont kill people, people kill people"- qoute from a special friend.
Chris Jones
Pd. 1
Well I think that only the people certified should be allowed to have the right to bear arms. Even if they are a former marine, navy, army, etc. because even military people can turn bad sometimes. I think that to be certified you should have to go through training, and take a test and if you get like more then 3-5 questions wrong then you have to re-take. I say this because what people do with guns now is very sick. Some of the stuff you wouldn't even imagine people would do and its very disturbing. So i think that to have rights to bear arms no matter who the person is should have to go through training and a test with only a few questions can be wrong.
Derrek Bost
I think that it should change just a little. For instance people over a certain age and that doesnt have a bad record or any record of being paranoid can get a gun. I think that some people need guns to protect themselves. For example, someone is driving down a road that is in the forest and the road is deserted. Someone sudenly jumps in front of you and and makes you stop.You roll down the window and the guy pulls a gun on you and shoots you... what are you going to do. If you had a gun you could have protected yourself, but that is only my opinion.
thomas tomko
3rd period
I believe that the right to own a gun has a refinement long since due.
Back then in 1777 we were a young nation and didn't know of other ways to defend ourselves.
We have come a long way since then, we are the most powerful nation on earth and I refuse to believe that with our knowledge and power we can't come up with peaceful and bloodless solutions to our conflicts.
imani w.
i think people should be aloud to use guns especially if its registred and they get a backround check.
i mean life is life you know u cant prevent every little thing from happening and some people can actually use guns to their protection only if their in a bad situation but owning a gun has its pros and cons for it but i think it should be aloud only if u have to use it for a useful situation than sure why not?
Jasmine Taylor
2nd, Period
I strongly believe that the only people in America that should carry a gun are those that have the job of protecting something, or someone for the country. The average person shouldn't be able to have a gun on hand because there is no telling what they will choose to do with it. I understand that there is a procedure as far as gun purchasing goes ( they try to make sure your not in any legal trouble) but how do you know that the average "good person" isn't just seeking revenge and looking for trouble? In the era when America was new, having a gun was no problem because everyone was supposedly friendly and the "crazies" stayed low key. Nowadays, you can't trust anyone with a weapon like that. How do you know a little kid won't get a hold of it and harm himself, or someone else? How do you know some maniac won't just show up some random place and begin a shooting? Guns should not be something that just anyone and everyone should be able to access.They are a very dangerous weapon that is very capable to injure someone severly or take a life.(I certainly don't believe that anybody should have the oppurtunity to do that,[unless like I mentioned before its for defense]) Even for those in defense for the country they should only be armed when they are on the job, not for personal use.Sadly (and no American should be proud to say this) but, our world is getting to the point where we can't fully trust any person.Though we would like to believe that "we're Americans, and we'll always have each other's back!" There will be a day where it will be every man for themself and you will have to protect whats yours.
Garrett Brough
Per. 2
I think that the american people(us) should not have the right to "bear arms" because of some of the wack jobs in this country! I do not want a repeat of that one college kid comming to school with a gun and killing someone. The amendment should change with the times not stay un-changed forever. Now that we have a professional military the only people that should have guns are hunters, law enforcement, and those who have a licenese. Even those that have a licenese for a gun should be under tabs just incase something does happen.
I feel that as Americans we have every right to have a gun to a certain extent. I feel this way because there is people these days that grieve others and just want what that person has. I think this way because in many cases they say for protection of there family or for people who hunt or for sport shooting gun owners. At another extent I feel they should have some restriction on guns because there about 80 million people in the United States that own a fired arm but about 8 million have permits for them. Thats where they should have change in.
Giovanni J. Lopez
Period # 3
I think that the people who own any kind of gun should be like under tab because you never know if he is planning in doing something. I think that they should give like a test... to conclude if you are like able to own a liscence gun. Some people (I would say the minority) own a gun just for protection.Most of the time people own guns that are illegal, or just to do crimes. Really the government should stop the war and be looking for any alternative choices like trade guns for money ... for gas.
Nobody"needs" a gun, Hunting is a sport that guns are used for but I've been out hunting several times in my life and I never understood the "fun" its always been just shooting an animal then making a very large mess in my garage. Then there are the murder aspects which i see no reason to go into further.
Jeremiah Combs
period 2
Amanda Fanfan
I think that people who aren't afraid should have the right because those who don't want dont getone;just like when someone wants
drugs they find it and there is no way to stop someone from getting what they want theres nothing the US can do when people find away anyway, so just keeping things they way it is.will be the best
way, and people always want what they can't have
Lauren Serrano
I think that americans have the right to bear arms under certain conditions. If someone has a history of any crime, I believe they shouldn't be given the right to own a weapon of any sort. I believe those whom have been trained and have a clean record should have the right to purchase a weapon. Would you want someone that doesn't know how to use a gun wondering the streets? I definitely wouldn't feel too safe. Being safe now is still a big deal because there are criminals that have weapons. The right to bear arms shouldn't be completely dropped but it should have some more strict rules and requirements.
Alex Serna
Period 4
I strongly believe that we as Americans shouldn't have the right to "bear arms". Obviously, law enforcement officers and anybody else who works to protect and save people should be allowed to carry a gun. In 2006 68% of murders were gun related according to:
I'm pretty certain that, that percentage is about the same for following years (07 & 08). I think of it as a privilege that Americans can carry a fire arm and I personally believe we have lost our privilege because of the amount of severe injuries and deaths that occur a year off fire arms.
Maria Ortega
I think that the right to own bear arms should change. I think that only a few number should own one. I think that before someone buys a gun they HAVE to get a background check and also think that only people older than 21 should own one. I think that maybe if we change the right to own a bear arms there wouldnt be as much violence. I also think that if they do buy a gun they have to be reporting to the police what they have been doing with the gun. I think the right of owning a bear arm should also change because bear arms are changing and the laws should change as the bear arms change.They are getting more advanced and so should the laws.
Kyle Snead
What I think of this is that we Should not carry guns around where People Can see it. That I think is the Farthest extent. Also If we have Huns out it would Put fear in a lot of people then we will Start looking like a 3rd world country.Also I know when our 4 farther, said Bare arms they did not Menn carry guns around where people can see them,they Meant only if you need it.
Wesley H.
I think that the people who should really have the right to bear arms are the people who protect within or without the country. That way no average person can have a gun and neither can any bad person have a gun. People who protect should be the only ones. I also think that if those people who protect quit or retire they shouldn't have a gun either. Because people back then who made the second amendment probably didn't know how crazy people can be in the future.
Michelle burke
the statement has been made guns kill peolpe but the truth is people with guns kill people so why have them they bring no joy to human life nor are they needed in our society to make it no i do not think americans have the right to bare arms under any conditions
Kiana Chan
pd. 4
The right to bear arms, in my eyes has always been a problem. The soulution has always been: fewer weapons on the street, therefore lower levels of armed crime. But in my opinion i think that instead of not allowing us to have weapons we should be allowed to keep weapons for defence. Towards the end the 19th century, anyone in Britain could walk into a gun shop , without showing any form of identification, buy as many guns as wanted, and could carry loaded guns in public, and could use these for selfdefence. The law not only allowed this, but even expected it. We were encouraged to take responsibility for our own protection. So i suggest we do allow people to have weapons but make sure their not loony. :))
Starsea Rodriguez
Prd: 3
The right to bear arms has exceeded in the type of people allowed (such has criminals, youngster, etc.), age, and background history. Now you see Elementary kids walking around with guns all the way up to High Schooler's. Where do they get them (maybe from there parents) and how do they get them? Many times gun stores don't check your background. They just want the money. It’s what you call business and because of businesses like so there are crazy people out there holding guns, youngsters like us, and criminals. For example, what occurred at Virginia Tech, a devastation caused by a person that got there hands on his father’s gun. I believe that the only people that should be able to bear guns should be the military, police officials, people older than 28 or 26 and have a good background, navy, marines etc. The right to bear arms should be definitely restricted. And if not, delinquency and criminality rates are going to keep on getting higher.
Shelby Lambeth
period 4
I think thats the right to bear arms should b restricted. I think that the people whouldnt have a record, shouldnt have medical issues, and should have a liscence to have a gun. I understand that some people have guns to protect themselves, but some dont. If a person has a liscence then they know how to use a gun responsibly and they know the outcome if they use them in the wrong way. Also if someone has a medical issue, like mentally, they might use it in the wrong way, like if there mental capasity is lower then others they may shoot someone just cause they feel their feelings are hurt. I also think that people who are seious about having one should own one. for instance troops should be able to because they protect us and our country.
natasha sheomangal blk6
I think that the only people that should own a gun is the police officials,navy, military etc. I believe that the only people in America that should carry a gun are those that have the job of protecting something, or someone for the country. The people that shouldn't be able to have a gun on hand is the people that are not police officials or anything i mean anyone could have a gun and shoot someone mistakenly because they are either on drugs, they are either mentally crasy or drunk. some people kill other people because of hatred they even kill their own friends. some of them use the guns for safety like my dad and mom does but we never had to use them. i told my mom that we could just call the police or keep a knife under our pillows like i do for safety instead of guns. I think that with everyone who ever owns a gun should not use them because they are going to kill more people for no reason sometimes or again because of hatred of eachother. and because of all that the world will be more sad, more tragedy will occur and alot of people will be so mad that they want to commit suicide i mean you never know.I also think that only people older than 21 should own one.because if you are younger than that they would want to kill people or try to rob a store using it or try to rob a bank you know what i mean right? thats what i truly think so yah.
Valeria Moctezuma
Period 3
I think the right to bear arms amendment should change because nobody needs a gun. The police, navy, military etc. should be the ones to own guns because they are protecting the country with them. Most homicides, murders, and suicides are caused by guns. Innocent people die everyday because the people that own the guns (most of the time illegaly) use them irresponsiby. It is human nature to be greedy and want to look out for themselves. So they rob other people with guns not carring for their lives. So i don't think Americans have the right to bear arms.
Alyssa Rivera
Pd. 2
I think that it should change but only slightly. Not everybody who owns a gun wants to kill someone. However it should be more restricted because now we have alternitives to guns (for safety). And guns are not as essential as they used to be.
Javier Suarez
With how high the crime rates are these days, I believe that people with a good background check should be allowed to own a gun. Yes you are taking a risk by giving someone who really isn't experienced in handling such a weapon, such as a gun, but we should have the right to defend ourselves when the time is called.
personally i think that it should be changed because people these days they would use a gun for all the wrong reasons...and i think we need gun control then have gun rights...even though its the law...doesnt mean that when u own a gun...doesnt mean that u can go around shooting everythin up, so i think that it should be changed to gun control...
michelle torres Period 5th
emily barnard
i think that it should change. the crime rate goes up over time and if more people have access to a gun, thats not gonna meke anything better. but also honestly thats not gonna stop people who dont have a gun license to get a gun anyway. i think that people who sell guns should make sure they have a license and make them sign something so they dont give it to someone else. also they need to do more like secure background checks i guess.
Bryan Vargas
I think that the U.S. constetution should change the way we use guns in our country and should have more specific laws that tells us how we can use,handle and,carry guns becuase sometimes people like to use them for fun and to hurt or kill other people. I also think that people should have guns only when its neccesary and not carrying it on publc area and should only be used on self defence and not for anyhting else. We need a new set of rules for this type of situations and to be dought with carefully. citizens shouyld not be allod to carry a gun only the jobs like police,FBI and etc, should have them because citizens could use there guns for there own personal thing and that is not good. We need to change these laws because it time for a change in this nation.
I think a person without an extremly bad criminal history should have the right bear arms. But the indivual should only use it in case of an emergency.idk thats about it
Lina Habeych
I think that it shouldnt change, but not keep it that way Forever. I dont think that Everyone should have a gun,unless they are able to use it properly and for proper reasons. The police,FBI,army,ect. should be allowed to use the weapons. I think that if a cop is on duty they should have the right ot have a gun but once they are offduty that they not be carrying one just as everyone else wont. That doesnt mean that only if you work for the FBI,army,ect that you cant own one.I mean some people may think that someone will rob them at night and scray things like that. If they really think something is going to happen then i think they should own one.
Alyssa Samonte
Forget that! We should be able to bear arms. Trying to take them away are violating my rights as a US citizen. I dont know maybe you've heard of it? Its called the U.S. Constitution! Sure most people dont use weapons the way they should be used,but get over it.PEOPLE are stupid,and thats never going to change. The world needs chaos to function! Thats ok though, lets see them try to take my AR-15 away from me.... Ill be waiting. :)
katie mchale
i think that having a gun should be illegal unless you are in the army, a hunter or a cop. Having guns in home arent safe for your children and most of the time have no purpose. Criminals aquire guns because its just way to easy to get one now a days. This is why people become trigger happy and crime levels spring up.
I think this law should be changed immediatly, guns should only be for the military the only reason guns were made legal is because back then the military was the civilians so that shows you that civilians shouldn't be able to legally own arms.
Alyssa Samonte
Forget that! I have the Right to bear arms as a US CITIZEN. I don't know maybe you've heard of it? Its called the US Constitution! Sure most weapons arnt used properly, but get over it. PEOPLE are stupid,and thats never going to change. The world needs a litle chaos to funtion. Other wise, what would we need the police for? Well at least people have to take the safety course to own one,and have to be a certain age.
Nick Redmond
Period 6
Well i think that anyone over the age of 18 that passes a psychiatric test can have a gun. Since we don't want people going around and killing their self's or someone else. Then they will have to take a class to handle then weapon.
Alberto Ramos
5th period
I think people shouldnt be allowed to own guns unless, its needed for their job like the military , police , or security. other people shouldnt be allowed no matter what because even if they are "good" people you never know where the guns might end up. so thats all
Alexander Perryman
Period: 4
The whole righ to bear arms thing is good. I think thatt if you are a convicted criminal, or you have any blemish on your, whatever. You should not be able to carry a gun. If you check out though, then its fine with me.
Ricardo Villafane
The right to bear arms should be thought through a lot. It should be done that to even have any type of gun, you need a license. A license that takes months and months of approval and lots of testing. And lots of requirements, like being over 30 years old (or something like that),not having any crime record at all, etc. Today , you can walk into your "friendly neighborhood walmart" and buy a not-so friendly to the neighborhood gun. Which makes no sense since people are trying to make crime rates drop, but they're letting all these stores sell guns to anyone. Which makes the Crime rate go up a lot.
walter h.
i definitely think the amendment should be altered a bit.I believe that only those whom are fit to have one should own one,that would be our army and law enforcement.Truly,even a sane person can commit a murder.I know that people need something to protect themselves with,but that doesnt necessarily mean a gun.There are other ways that one could protect themselves so i really see no need for the people to own a gun.
Melvin Ramos
i feel that people should still have the right to own a gun. guns are like any other weapon, like knives so it dosnt realy matter if you take out the right for citizens. besides if the right is changed most of the people will hide there guns and there would be costly serches for each persons gun.
Desiree Reid
Period 4
From my perspective, i believe it should be changed because, now a days many people don't know how to use a gun responsibly. In general, they use it for the wrong reasons. The people who wants to own a gun would claim to use it for protection. But sadly its not only used for that. Therefore, i think guns should be assigned to people who have self control.
Jordan Griffin Pd.4
i think it should be changed to you can only bear arms if you don't have a criminal record. I think that e still need it though for people who hunt for a living and people who need to protect their family
Amanda Figueroa
period 5
I think that the only people that should carry a gun are those that have the job of protecting something or someone that are important. a random person shouldnt be able to have a gun because there is no telling what they will choose to do with it. but how do you know that the person isn't just trying to get revenge on somone or jus having it for no good use. We are at the point were its hard to trust people so we need to be more aware of who give a gun to.
Michael Castilloveitia
period 3
I think that the people who own any kind of gun should have very strict limits to having the gun, because you never know if they are planning to do soething really bad with it. I think before giving a gun to someone they should have a test or a background check on that person.Most people own guns that are illegal so we need a away to stop people from getting these guns if there not allowed to have them and maybe our counrty would be a little more safer.
I really think that this law should stay the way it is, as our second amendment. The reason why i think we should keep this law is that if we the citizens of the United States don't have the right to bare arms, that is basically just telling the robbers and everybody else that they can come and break into your house and know they won't get killed/hurt or shot because the owner of the house won't have a gun to defend themselves. It gives thieves a big window of opportunities, to do just about anything. This law needs to be kept so that way we can have another source of protection for our families and possessions.
-Amanda Clayton
pd.2 =)
I think that the right to bear arms should only be in cases of protection and sport. Using them for viglante acts? Isn't that illegal? I think they should make a law that you can only have arms inside your house OR if you have a permit you cn go to an enclosed are to hunt.
jonathan cardona
i think that the right to bare arms should be put to little hand held ones beacuse it any bigger they might do something that they will regret and get put in to never know if they are planning to do soething really bad with it.this law should be changed immediatly, guns should only be for the military the only reason guns were made legal is because back then the military was the civilians so that shows you that civilians shouldn't be able to legally own arms.
Rebecca Johnson
Pd. 5
I agree with most of the students here; the only people that should have the right to bear arms is the military, navy, army, etc. Most people in the world take to Second Amendent to the extreme and bring guns to school to shoot someone who has been bullying them. These are the kids who will plead '' But I have the right to''! It's one thing to have a gun for hunting, but only id the game is animals, not people. Guns can be extremly dangerous in the wrong hands.
anthony jattan
period 1
i think that US citizens should be able to have a gun/weapon. but to a certain degree. i think there should be certain guns that should be completely illegal and only issued to people with clean records and probable cause.
Janelle Castillo.
period SiX.
I think that people who arent in the military or armed force and own a gun shoould have a certificate/lisence or some proof that they are aloud to have a gun in there posession. I think that some rules are needed with there possesion of the that less things are happening.
Jonathan Alvarado
Period 3
I think that it is ok for people to have guns for protection, but they should get a test to see if their mentally ok before the gun is given to them. Anybody can take a test to see if they can handle a gun and pass but not everybody is mentally capable to carry one. They could buy it for other reasons other than protection.
Garrett Thompson
6. Pd
i think you should be able to bear arms,
to a certian extant. i mean there cool but you cant just shoot them freely? lioke it can scare people. there should be a time loock on them saying that you cant shoot after this time then ALOT of crime would go down
Fahren Rivera
To what extent should the right to bear arms be restricted?
Yes, I do believe the right to bear arms should be restricted. I think that guns in general should only be issued to those who are of age and have been through some sort of gun safety training class. Most importantly I think that guns should only be carried by police officers. I think that it is acceptable to have a gun available at your house for safety in case of a break in. I think that guns are okay to be used if hunting also. I strongly believe that the much more complex guns should be kept for the use of soldiers not your neighbors two houses down. Guns should only be used as directed.
Jullian Sanchez
people should have the right to bear arms and that shouldn't change that policy. some people abuse the 2nd amendment and use it for their evil ways! guns should only be used for protection. other than safety guns should be used in hunting animals, not humans.
Gabriel de la Cruz
I strongly believe that we shouldn't chage it because some people use there weapons for illgeal uses. We have also have change some amendments like achol and salvery. Next there is a law that states if a preson is to break in to your house you have the right to kill him even if you are using a gun. Also we should all protect ourselh even if it is with a gun.
period 1
I believe that people should be allowed to have guns/weapons but to a certain extend. A person with a record shouldnt be allowed to have one. But other people should for their safety in thier own homes. They just to need to be more careful on who they give the guns to.
Mallory Shephard
Period 4
To tell you the truth i think that the right to bear arms should stay the same.Why? Because we have had this law for many years , so theres no point of changing it now. It is important to stay protected from bad people. Many people have guns for safety reasons. But many take advantage of this and use it to harm people on purpose. Lots of gangs and criminals own guns. I think that every gun in the united states should be registered. Police should always make sure they ask people if thier gun is registered. You should also not have criminal record. Of course police and army people carry guns. I think they should always carry guns even when thier not on duty. One impoirtant thing is that guns should be kept locked where i is out of reach for children. Still guns are not a toy, so i think evryone needs to use them wisely, also always respect the authority.
Sarah Kinney
Period 2
I believe the people should be allowed to own guns if they have had multpiple background checks and come in yearly to renew their liscence. saying guns kill people is like blaming misspelled words on a pencil. you have to understand that every single person is different when it comes to mental stability and owning guns. but, none the less, the right to bear arms has been a right for a long time, and i think it should be kept.
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